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Look at this beautiful sad dog!

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This is heartbreaking. I hope I am wrong but it looks a very unpleasant place these poor animals are kept. The look on the poor dogs face. [:(]

It is becoming such a common thing. In fact I do worry that what Christine says is right. How many are not publicised on the forums and are put down (I hate that term it is killed). There was one couple that put a post on Anglo Info as well as Total France of their so called beloved 8 year old family dog. They received some backlash on AI and suddenly they found a solution for their ordinary mixed dog. I just feel sick when I think what the possible solution was.  How many more is this happening to?

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Unfortunately, this goes hand-in-hand with the large number of posts on various forums where people ask "Do I really need to get my pet passported! He/she/we will NEVER be returning to the UK"

FGS, people, it's another couple of hundred quid, tops, to add to your removal expenses when you leave the UK, for the peace of mind and security of knowing that your animal can be taken back to the UK should you find yourselves having to return. And if you acquire an animal in France, ditto.

Secondly, and it really, really really gives me no pleasure to say this, but there rarely seems to be one animal involved in these situations, it's always a couple of dogs, or a dog and a couple of cats, or multiple numbers of both.....people move to France and amass an entire menagerie without, seemingly, giving a great deal of thought to the long term and what might happen "if".Sadly, it seems to have become part of the great "dream life" that a large collection of animals is a "must have" along with the large plot of land etc.,etc. And so many where it turns out their vaccinations aren't up-to-date, or they haven't been neutered...

I'm really sorry, I'm not setting out to be intentionally offensive to the many, many genuine animal lovers out there, but having an animal COSTS MONEY from day one. And cutting corners by not getting them vaccinated, chipped (I wrote "chopped" there, but as it also applies, I should probably have left it) and passported , whether you think you'll need to or not is almost as negligent as chaining them up all day.

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I have emailed Sheelagh and Richard at Phoenix to see if they might be able to help as I know they have often managed to foster large dogs in the past and I think in fact they have something along the lines of a Mastiff at the moment.  They have a good network of people.  I'm not going to comment on the English people who continually seem to do this abhorrent thing of leaving their animals behind when they find it necessary to return to the UK and give pathetic excuses why they can' t take them - I would be struck off the forum and in any case the message simply doesn't reach the people who do this because they are mind numbingly careless, thoughtless, cruel people who probably wouldn't have the intellect to write on here anyway.

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[quote user="Merlin"] I'm not going to comment on the English people who continually seem to do this abhorrent thing of leaving their animals behind when they find it necessary to return to the UK and give pathetic excuses why they can' t take them - I would be struck off the forum [/quote]

[quote user="Merlin"]............................people who do this

because they are mind numbingly careless, thoughtless, cruel people who

probably wouldn't have the intellect to write on here anyway.


I think you just did [:D][:D]


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I am convinced that anyone planning to move to France - having sold up in the UK - who states "oh we're never going back" are the very muppets who will be setting off for the return ferry, probably within a very few years.

The very fact that someone can make such a sweeping statement (unless they are French... or have lived in France successfully previously, have French family in France) suggests that they are arriving in their new country with totally unrealistic expectations. Whom of us can ever confidently predict the way the rest of our lives might go? Very few of us... but too often on the French forums it appears that the animals pay the price.

And as for the British idiots who acquire their menagerie, don't get their animals sterilised and then casually add to the ever-expanding ocean of puppies and kittens needing homes...[:@] [:@] [:@]

I hope that this trio find a home together. They are obviously so used

to each other it would be enormously sad to see them split up.

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Well, I'm back off to the UK before the end of the year with 13 cats (eeek!!!!), two rabbits, three guinea pigs and a dog. No question of my leaving them behind although I have found homes for 3 cats who were too feral to live in suburbia.

My heart just breaks for these three who are blameless. Grrhhh !!

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In fairness to this lady - and I always try to be fair - I gather this morning that some friends had agreed to take all three animals and then backed out at the last minute last week leaving them in a real fix.  The lady's husband has in fact already gone back to the UK and she has stayed behind to try and sort out the animals and is extremely stressed about the situation she has landed her animals in.  This does not mean I retract what I said I wouldn't say about other Brits who dump their poor defenceless pets and run back home leaving them to a very uncertain and frightening fate!  It does actually keep me awake at night.... frequently!  This poor Mastiff has already been abandoned once and she looks absolutely adorable - my husband looked over my shoulder when I was viewing the link and saw her...... his expression didn't need any words to tell me NO!  I can't blame him as we have six and two more coming to foster this week.  If I had the means to set up a proper kennels with the kind of facilities I consider essential to house dogs in comfort (underfloor heating and good food - space not a problem) then it would be my dream come true............ not there yet though and might need the Lotto to spit in my direction!  Let's have some action for this lovely lady Renee before it's too late.

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Don't think Phoenix can help Renee - Sheelagh said she is sick to the back teeth of Brits leaving their dogs behind and tells of some appalling cases!  Don't know why in particular but this dog is praying on my mind horribly today - but as Christine has said, sometimes some in particular  just get to you and this poor Renee has beseeching expression and I 'm so very sad for her.

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Hi, what I can't understand is how anyone can think about having a healthy dog put down!! I have just had my 15 year old put down after suffering a heart attack and it really upset me even though I knew this time was coming. How can you take a young healthy dog to the vets to be put down just because you can't be bothered to take it back to England? When we moved to england there was still the quarentine and although we were not rich we paid for 3 dogs and 3 cats , this cost a hell of a lot more than a passport!
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This is very true - I rescued my first dog when I was 21 (many moons ago) and working in Milan.  I took her back to the UK when I was posted home and visited her in quarantine three times  a week for the six months to help her through!  But we're not all made the same are we.........sadly!

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I have just spoken with the owner of this lovely dog.  I called her because I received an offer to foster Renee till she could be found a home but wanted to know how old she was.  She's about six years old and the most docile loving dog ever.  She sounds absolutely wonderful and painfully loyal as she never wanders far from her own patch and is used to cats, hens, other dogs and horses.  The present owner's son left for the UK and poor Renee stopped eating for several days and just lay outside his bedroom door and searched the house for him for two weeks!  She's very very special by the sounds of it.  Her owner, Gerri, told me that she has had two offers to home Renee and is going to see both places this week before she makes a decision which, if either, would be suitable for Renee and where she might possibly stand the best chance of settling as the it's likely to be quite an ordeal for the poor dog.  It's SUCH a sad situation for this poor dog.  I am not sure that fostering would be a good idea for such a sensitive creature - a very caring, understanding and permanent home is the best route for this dog I feel.  Despite her size she is absolutely no trouble at all.  They don't have her papers and whilst her injections are up to date since she's been with her present owners they don't know if she's chipped...... (??) their vet didn't bother to find out!  I didn't comment about this as the lady was clearly very distressed about the dog and it wouldn't have been productive.  If there is anyone here who think they can give this lovely deserving creature a forever home - please get in touch soon!!  I am not convinced that the two prospective homes will work out by the description that Gerri gave me....... so I'm keeping this 'live'.

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I am so tempted... the description sounds just perfect for us... OH is away and I know what he would say if he were here.. and it's not the same answer as mine or my son's [:(].  I do hope you find someone very soon
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I have emailed the owner to find out as my posts were all deleted off AI as there was no microchip number for Renee..........  I heard it from another source also so have my fingers crossed.  The lady who is looking after the two elderly Jack Russells I also posted on here seems to think that the same people who have taken Renee the Mastiff will also take the two JRs!!!  They have a working farm I believe and are English but she is going there this Wednesday and so will know more then.

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Yes I can confirm that Renee the lovely sad Mastiff has found a forever new home with people she took to immediately and who loved her on sight!  Another happy ending but not sure about the cats........... is anyone for taking them if I ask?  Lovely Renee, saved from the brink.

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