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Basset Fauve de Bretagne needs re-homing

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Can anyone tell me if there is a specific rescue site for this breed here?  English lady has one she must re-home because he keeps escaping (bored I sense for lack of time on behalf of the owner) and making a nuisance of himself with the neighbours - goes for a swim in their pool........  sounds a bit of a character but she is worried that he will get run over on one of his jaunts or cause an accident and she can't keep him in except on a rope.  Any advice welcome or even better if someone could give him the time and training he needs??

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  • 2 weeks later...
Well yes - but he was going to end up in Sainte's huge dog pound and possibly then have a string of unhappy homes as he was impossible to contain.  I have had some very unhappy stories told to me in the past couple of weeks and frankly it has depressed me no end - another one that I originally posted on here that had found a good home that didn't work out and he's gone back to the refuge and is going to be put down next week because he bit the adoptive lady.......  it makes me so sad, but what can you do.

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He wouldn't have been put down nor in Saintes refuge if an SOS had been put out for him beforehand if it was that urgent.  Saintes means that it is more or less my area.  From your first post you did not say where he was, so I imagined he was down your way.  There was no indication of his age or anything, no urgency as you were even asking about someone to train him.

It's just too easy to have healthy pets put down simply because they don't suit you any more.  It should be against the law.

You told some other people who were thinking of taking their two dogs to Carcassonne SPA that they would be better having them put down.  I got in contact with them, they were grateful for the support as they loved their dogs dearly and have now found good homes for both of them.


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Are you laying this one at my door by any chance?  I worked hard to find this dog another home and kept her from taking him to the vets for as long as I could and contacted several people who were looking to adopt at the time, but he was a nightmare to keep in and hard to place.  The owner went to Saintes when I kept drawing blanks and was frankly appalled and came back in tears and was at her wits end.  Her neighbours were up in arms against her because of the dog and the Gendarmes had warned her about him chasing round the village.  At the end of the day she didn't have the money to build higher fences and she hated keeping him on a rope.  I did all I could.  Now your second point.  The other people who were going to abandon (there IS no other word for it) their pets at Carcassonne at a time when the situation there was truly at crisis point (Rowan was fuming with them!!) and their dogs coming in simply meant that two dogs already at the refuge would have been put on the list to be put down immediately to make room......... why can you not see this???  I do not see why we should support (as you put it) British people who deliberately (no other word for it) leave their dogs behind when they go back.  Nobody makes a move back to the UK at the drop of a hat and if they organise the transport and expense of taking furniture back, but leave their animals then why should I support that?  Tell me why I should help alleviate their consciences Christine?  For the sake of the dogs yes?  But when should the buck be passed to other to find a solution when there are desperate dogs also in need and get pushed to the back of the queue?  You know as well as anyone that we can't save them all so what determines URGENT in your book that I should have mentioned - they are ALL urgent.  I've heard all sort of sob stories about why people can't take their dogs with them - most of them hogwash (with a very few really tragic exceptions).  It's too damn easy to off load them and walk away and close minds to it and anyone who could even contemplate leaving their so called beloved pets at a place like Carcassonne (I know it well) beggars belief.  I'm very glad they found homes for their pets - good for them and hopefully good for the dogs.......... but it's still confusing and sad for the dogs, still despicable of the owners in my view and one can only hope the homes match up or perhaps one can hope that the homes turn out to be better in fact than the ones that they were left behind from!  If you could have done better for the dog on this thread then why didn't you?  If you want to continue to have a go at me - pm me as I'm about to ditch this forum because clearly I'm not the right person to be trying to help here.  But before I go let me say that I have successfully homed seven dogs through this and other forums in the past five months, another one looking positive in the pipeline at the moment, personally rescued three from Carcassonne and another one coming from Phoenix tomorrow.  I should be above getting upset by you I know but.....  I will continue to work for the dogs in a multitude of ways but not on here any more.  I have met some lovely people on here, brave people that I have had the pleasure to share messages and 'phone calls with.  Thank you all for that and I wish the forum well.

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 You know Merlin, Christine has taken quite a bit of flak over the years on doggy issues, but she kept posting in order to help the dogs.

If you don't post here wont you be losing a valuable resources regarding re homing ? That would be a shame.

Hard though it may be  I suspect if you are going to go on trying to help dogs you are going to have to harden your heart......and having Christine as an ally would help more dogs than not.......please have a think about it.

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Often in rescue work we are tired and stressed out, particularly at this time of year.  The best way forward is to discuss things and have them out in the open.  On the Rescue site there are plenty of debates and arguments!

Don't be silly Merlin, we are all aware of the good work you do and I hope you will continue.  But if you have a problem for a dog in my area, please let me know and you can be sure I shall do all I can to help.  For the dog in this thread I could not know he was nearby.


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Don't give up here Merlin - let's remember - we are all trying to do the best we can in our own ways to help these poor dogs - a truly enormous and often thankless task - but every little helps!!  We have all got the same "but" as they say!!

Chin up!


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