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The Refuge Canin Lotois in Cahors is at bursting point and is in desperate need of foster homes for dogs (of course, new permanent homes always needed too!).  I know they will provide food if necessary to foster carers.  It is the holiday season and the number of abandoned dogs has increased.  The situation is desperate there - conditions are far from ideal at the best of times - but with this heat and the overcrowding - there is now the real possibility of some dogs being put down!

Please help in any way you can, even if just by spreading the word....  If you have space for one of these poor dogs - even for a limited time - please get in touch....

If anyone needs further info, let me know - or visit or contact the Refuge direct:

Refuge Canin Lotois - Z I d'Englandières - 46000 - CAHORS - TEL


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Yes Merlin - you are right - what is it with people!!  I can't understand how anyone could just abandon a dog!  We have 3 adopted dogs now - recently adopted an abandoned 4 1/2  month old cocker from the Refuge (started off as FA but we ended up adopting him!).  The owners dumped him en route from or to Lourdes (!!) from Normandy!  As he has a tattoo, the owners were traced and just said they did not want him back!   Unbelievable! 

Our local vet has a sign/photo on his noticeboard placed by the local SPA lady asking for info regarding finding people who left a dog tied to a tree in the woods with no food or water!!  It just goes on and on!  Fortunately there are many kind and caring people out there who are prepared to adopt an abandoned dog!  Trouble is that sadly it is a never ending problem. 


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Yes, I think I would have kept quiet about the Lourdes bit after abandoning a pup en route Christine!  (By the way, Barty, the Epagneul Bretagne we rehomed last year from Asso Galia (remember?) is happy as Larry here and is a lot less nervy than when he first arrived now he has gained some trust and can relax!).

Back to the top for the SOS - please pass the word for foster homes for the dogs at the Refuge in Cahors!!!  Food and veterinary care (if needed) will be provided by the Refuge...  Anyone who can help out there!???


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We live in the Aude area, we're looking for a young black and white collie dog (long hair) for a companion to our playful 11 year old border collie, he's the right age to teach a youngster. We have 8 hectares of land ideal for a collie. my email karen.hendry@yahoo.co.uk

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Another way to help the Refuge - if anyone near Cahors has any suitable (sturdy) water receptacles (e.g. old bath or small portable pool) surplus to requirements for dogs to cool down in, or sun shade items such as unwanted sun canopies, tarpaulins - the Refuge would be very grateful for them...  The heat looks set to continue...  There are some very hot dogs there!!


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HELP - please pass the word to everyone you can think of who might be able help by adopting or fostering a dog - the Refuge has passed saturation point and the vet is coming today to make a list of dogs to be PTS!! on Monday - this was the latest news from the President....

Actuellement, 26 chiens refuge,

21 chiens fourrière!!!!! 

Monsieur THOMAS vient au refuge

demain matin pour établir la liste des chiens à euthanasier.

L'autorisation sera accordée, et

les euthanasies s'effectueront certainement lundi.

Tous les chiens fourrière ont

entre 6 mois et 2 ans!!!!

Cela fait réfléchir, peut être

qu'il vaudrait mieux mettre sur la liste des chiens au refuge depuis

longtemps et très difficilement adoptables, plutôt que de laisser partir

des plus jeunes...

A moins que quelqu'un trouve une

solution miracle pour tous. 

La solution doit être trouvée

avant le weekend. Pour les adoptions éventuelles envoyer les personnes

directement au refuge, Julien et Claire seront présents. 

Je sollicite tous mes contacts,

on ne sait jamais....


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Have passed the word on to a couple of people who have offered to foster in the past but I don't know if they are around right now - but have to try.  Every Spa I have dealings with is under the cosh at the moment - it's just awful.  Last I heard from Rowan they are putting them three to a box in Carcassonne and in this heat they are fighting!  They put loads down every week sadly.  It's a nightmare and such a waste of some lovely lovely dogs.  Shame shame on us humans!

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Many thanks Merlin and Christine - for the moment I can report that there seems to have

been a reprieve on the euthanasia front (thanks to one of the ladies in charge of the Refuge who is fortunately very anti euthanasia), but I am not sure for how

long as there is a limit to how many dogs can be held at the refuge and they have already passed that mark.  As soon as I have any further information I will let you know. 

But it does not detract from the dire situation for the dogs. 

There is some good

news - 2, possibly 3 dogs are to be adopted and 3 have found FAs, but new

arrivals outnumber those departing....  It is a never ending battle!

To everyone - please do not stop passing the word...!  Co-voiturage can also be arranged for FAs further afield...

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Hi Jouals - sorry to report that my possible foster carer is just off on a months holiday and is sorry she can't help!  Bother!  I will keep thinking of options for you.  Have you tried Sue at Poorpaws - she is in the area and might just have space for one more even though I know she's busting she's a real star - it will have to be a female tho, positively no males right now!

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Jouals  - today I had someone mail me saying they wanted to adopt either a Pug or French Bulldog.  Their 17 year old one died recently and they now feel  they would like another one and would like to adopt.  Don't suppose there are any in the Spa??

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Morning Merlin - I shall check, you never know!!  They keep on coming in....!  If there is anything like that at the moment or in the near future - I will let you know... 

We had some good news yesterday in that some more dogs have been adopted and taken on by FAs!!  The word is spreading!


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  • 3 weeks later...
Still looking for foster homes!!  If anyone in the Cahors area (or even further afield - transport can be arranged if necessary) can help - please make contact or come along to the Refuge. 

Here are some of the dogs waiting for new homes or foster homes (copy and paste link).  Dogs keep arriving and numbers are still far too high, conditions are very difficult at the Refuge with so many dogs.



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[quote user="Jouals"]

Here are some of the dogs waiting for new homes or foster homes.  Dogs keep arriving and numbers are still far too high, conditions are very difficult at the Refuge with so many dogs.



Gosh aren't they sweet:



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