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Let's help Sue at Poor Paws!

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Hi everyone

Many of you know (or at least know of) Sue at Poor Paws and the fabulous work she does. In fact, some of you may have got your dogs from her lovely home.

Now Sue is very unhappy about one particular dog, who is in the refuge at Figeac. His name is Diouk and he is a beautiful terrier/beagle cross, only a year or so old and it seems doomed to spend the rest of his life in the refuge. He has been there long enough for the refuge to have consigned him to the large pen of "no-hopers", where he is unlikely to be seen by visitors.

For reasons too complicated to explain, Sue is unable to get him out. Moreover the person who gets him out has to be resident in the Lot. This makes it even harder of course.

But please can anyone help? The situation is making Sue very unhappy and she has sleepless nights worrying about this little chap.

Sue doesn't know I am writing this, and she doesn't follow this forum, but if anyone thinks can help "jail break" Diouk, you can look at Sue's own website, where he is featured, and contact Sue that way.

Please help. Sue has helped me on many an occasion and I am sure I am not alone in this. Now is our time to help her. Getting Diouk out of Figeac will be huge weight off her mind, I know.

Here is a photo of Diouk, and also a link to Sue's site.



Thanks everyone.


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The sad thing about this poor chap and numerous others there is that the woman in charge of the refuge is incredibly difficult.  She has chased away numerous volunteers after making their lives very miserable.  I have regular contact with one of them who has told me a lot about the place and the reasons why so many of the helpers no longer go there which is hugely sad for the dogs.  Sue at Poorpaws can't even be mentioned!  This woman has a screw loose basically and there have been attempts to get rid of her, but all to no avail.  She has a dreadful policy of putting what she considers the 'no hopers' (this little chap amonst them!) in pens out of sight and dozens of them finish up in a large pen all together with the result being that they fight amongst themsleves and for food - the fittest survive and others suffer terribly.  I can't understand it and how it is allowed to go on, but Sue at Poorpaws tells me that for some reason no one can shift her.  She only allows people who are resident in the Lot to adopt despite many coming forward from other departments ( and were refused a dog) and further, she never allows the adopted dogs to be chipped in the new owners' names - they all remain with the address of the refuge.........  It's completely daft as the other week a dog who had been adopted was lost in Spain (had been adopted by some idiot hobo types just because they had an address in the Lot!) and one of the outside helpers had her work cut out to stop the Spanish authorities putting the dog down and then getting it back!  Poor Diouk is one of many who are 'lost' to the refuge and never stand a chance of being homed.  I have put out lots of pleading posts to people in the Lot to come and help out......... but not had much luck!  It's a very unhappy situation and Sue is particularly worried about this little guy as he's losing his grip and giving up.

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Oh Merlin - what a shocking situation!  I have heard stories myself about Figeac but had not realised it was that bad!  Is it the same woman who cooks up food daily for the dogs which she gets from goodness knows where - lots of fat content etc (hence some overweight dogs!)?  Can't anyone take official action??  How utterly ridiculous to have such rules for adoptions!  It is unfortunate that sometimes some totally unsuitable people get involved with animal rescue!  Volunteers are not going to hang around long if they are treated in this way either!  What about Mme Diczy, SPA representative at Castelnau Montratier?  Could she help?


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I don't know - here is the last comment I got from Sue about her the other day. 

"Believe me there have been many attempts to get Michelle out

of Figeac - English Nicci was the deputy there and contacted all the authorities

and even called an extraordinary general meeting but somehow the cow is still


And this is the message sent to Sue from one of the helpers regarding the Spanish incident - you will see that people have tried unsuccessfully to dislodge this woman and others have given up!




sais que c'est parfaitement ridicule. Michèle a fait adopter des chiens

qui sont partis ensuite à l'étranger, elle l'a su mais elle ne dit rien

parce qu'elle fait ce qu'elle veut, elle seule décide ce qui est bien

et ce qui est mal !!! Elle a fait adopter un gros chien à des jeune

marginaux qui vivaient à Figeac, mais comme c'était Figeac, pas de

problème. Le problème c'est qu'ils sont partis en Espagne et qu'ils ont

perdu le chien à Barcelone. Et comme elle ne parle pas Anglais ni

Espagnol, c'est moi qui a été obligée de régler le problème pour que le

chien ne soit pas euthanasié en Espagne.


il n'y a rien à dire, rien à faire, juste essayer de faire adopter le

plus de chiens possible et surtout, NE PAS TOUT LUI DIRE !!!
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Merlin - sneaky as it may seem, would it be possible to use someone in the Lot as an intermediary?  In other words they could go to Figeac and 'adopt' little Diouk and fill in all the necessary paperwork but with a home elsewhere already arranged, as it appears that there are people in other parts of France ready and willing to take him.  Not how one would want to do things but sometimes some deception is necessary to counter a truly desperate situation.  I don't know how much checking up there is after an adoption but I am sure with a little cooperation everything could proceed smoothly.  If you think this plan could work, then all that is needed is someone living in the Lot who is prepared to help initially, with an onward escape route to get Diouk to a permanent new home.


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Indeed....... this is what we are trying to do, but I don't know of anyone, hence I put out a post on here some while back, but got no response from anyone in the Lot!  It would present a small problem in that if the dog were passed on out of the Lot and got lost etc., the microchip would still place the animal back at Figeac Refuge.......  I still think it's worth a go, as do others, but as yet we have no one who has come forward for him or any of the others.  There are some pretty sad cases out at the back there!

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If the dog is chipped, a way around the registration problem might be for the new owner to have him tattooed by an understanding and cooperative vet. Then the tattoo would be seen before any scan for a chip. But then the other thing to do - and so many people don't and I can't understand why - is put a name and address or at least a phone number on the dogs' collars. Then if an animal does go missing, it's easy for mairie / gendarmes / vet / good Samaritan to just look at the collar and phone a number.

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Yes, I assume she is a paid employee.  Some of the dogs in the 'back' would be too old to be tattooed I fear but it could be a way.  I have all my rescues immediately tagged with identity discs on their collars as the paperwork to change the chip address can take several weeks or more - the first few days/weeks of the settling in period is the crucial time that if they do happen to get out they don't know how to get back and can get lost again!  So yes that would be a mandate shen adopting in my view - but then if I ever had the money to run an adoption agency for dogs........ I'd keep them all of course!

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How utterly ridiculous that a new owner cannot get their dog registered in their name!  What about contacting the SCC direct to find out the situation for re-registering dogs in these circumstances?  It must be possible to get it done!! 



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I am really liking the idea about getting a cooperative vet to tattoo.

My only other thought was to get someone to look after him for 6 months then get him out to the UK, which has its own registry. But we would need to find him a home there, site unseen, as it were.

But the tattoo idea is MUCH better!

Let's work on that one, but being very careful in case this site is being monitored.

If someone IS found, NO WAY should their name appear on this site. That will blow the whole thing out of the water.


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It is so sad that helping this poor dog needs to be a covert operation! I would imagine that it is the same with all the dogs at this refuge. It would be interesting to see how many actually are getting homed versus being killed. [:(]
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