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poodles - left behind sad and confused

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These two dears were dropped off at the SPA at Carcassonne the other day by an English lady.  Divorce and return to the UK was the reason given.  Sacha is nine years old, spayed, fully vaccinated and has a valid UK passport.  Popeye is her two year old son (bit of another mix in there we think) who is also neutered and fully up to date with his vaccinations but does NOT have a UK passport.  They are both microchipped, wonderful with children AND cats and need to stay together!  Not surprisingly, they are very confused and upset at the moment as it's clear they have been well looked after, clipped etc., and it's very sad and it would be lovely if they could find a good home asap.  Rowan has 'reserved' them so that we can keep them together till a home can be found for them - would be nice if some English folks could help them and minimise their confusion etc.  They are so gentle and sweet.


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The little boy Popeye is a pure bred poodle as the stud papers are with the all their other papers - think Mum is just tiny by comparison.  There is pressure to get them out of Carcassonne asap so please ask around people reading this - they are truly lovely dogs and it would make sense for them to go to an English family given Mum already has a UK passport which could be useful for some folks and the little boy could then be sorted also.  There are people in the 'network' who would babysit him whilst he was being passported if necessary.  Come on people, these two are having an especially hard time right now and make a very uncomplicated rescue as they are all ready to go!  Please ask all your friends out there!

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Have just contacted Rowan re a lady coming over from the Uk to see them. She has seen the photos but wants to see them before she commits.She would have to find someone to dogsit them whilst the passport for Popeye is sorted. Fingers crossed!
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This would be a very good result for these two, so depending on what she says, we must get our skates on and try and find someone to mind them for the six months.  I know someone but obviously there would their keep and vet bills to organise so a lot to find out as yet - but let's stay positive and hope they might be out of there very soon!

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Yes lets stay positive. The lady is flying over especially to see them and I know she is serious about having them. Quite rightly she wants to see them first before she commits 100% as she looks after her young grand children quite alot.

Anyway I'm sure the SPA will be her first port of call when she steps off the plane a week on monday.

I'm going to pass the lady's details on to Rowan and then all parties can liaise re vets etc. I will do what I can to help
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That's kind of you and great for finding this person too!  Very hopeful for this lovely little couple - still can't quite get my head round them being left this way........it would drive me insane to leave my dogs!  But as we have said on here in the past many times, we can't judge as we simply do not know the circumstances and not all of us are barking mad like me and would sell my soul to keep my animals with me......  Fingers and toes crossed for these two lovelies thanks to you BJC.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Good news. My friend arrived today and her first port of call was the SPA. She fell in love with Sasha and Popeye and is looking forward to geting them home. It looks like Sasha will be getting a lift to the UK next week but Popeye will have to wait until his passport is sorted. If there is anyone especially in the Aude/ Ariege area that would consider fostering Popeye whilst his passport is sorted we would love to hear from you. The new owner is happy to fly back periodically and support the foster family, What we are sure about is that Sasha really needs a loving home sooner rather than later, which can be provided and it would be really unfair on Popeye to be left in the SPA on his own without his mother. If anyone can help we would love to hear from you
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It was great to see you again yesterday and M too. So glad she liked the dogs and I could see she was having trouble leaving Sasha behind. Breaks my heart every time, too. I think getting her to UK asap is the right thing, but I agree, Popeye needs a foster home so he is not cold and lonely.

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Yes thanks Merlin. I have passed all the messages on to the new owner and she is making contact with all those that have offered their help.Thank you to everyone, it really has restored my faith in human beings. My husband was due to go to the UK today via Holland, but has delayed his trip due to the fuel shortage and blockades. He is replanning his trip next week and will probably have a very special delivery to Leics.......Sasha!!
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Popeye and Sasha left the SPA yesterday afternoon. Thank you to all those who offered to foster Popeye whilst his passport was being sorted. He is going to be looked after by a very kind couple in Puivert, with the new owner popping down as when she can. Hopefully Sasha will come down at christmas to spend a few days with Popeye.The new owner is absolutely amazed by the support that has been shown by so many kind people down here. I would also like to say a very big thank you to all the very kind people who offered to foster Popeye. Whilst I know Popeye is going to a loving temporary home, having spoken to Rowan yesterday there are more dogs looking for foster homes. I also believe there is a lady who is trying to set up a network of foster homes, which is a brilliant idea.Well once again thanks so much to everyone that has supported us in finding these two a lovely home. I'm sure the new owner will join the forum when she gets back to the UK next week and photos will follow
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BJC - well done!  You have rallied a lot of good people to help these two and the outcome is a very happy one for them.  I am the one who is considering setting up a webpage to somehow help dogs in this situation and if I can 'translate' some of the goodwill offered by people for Sacha and Popeye into joining me as a foster network, it would be marvelous!  I know that my friends Sheelagh and Richard at Phoenix think it's a good idea - they have to concentrate on the desperate cases in the refuges and I quite understand that.  Sue at Poorpaws does a massive job rehoming to some great people she manages to find, but again, she takes the really critical cases more often than not.  So, despite the often impatience voiced on various forums about Brits leaving their dogs through lack of proper planning or circumstances some of us find a puzzle - it's the dogs in question that need the help at the end of the day.  Very often the owners are stressed and don't know which way to turn and have to make some tough decisions and just perhaps, sometimes, the dog comes at the bottom of the list of priorities simply because there is no obvious solution out there for the owners to turn to.  Hence the idea to create a website to offer help, when possible (not miracles!), advice and safe shelter for dogs that are awaiting passports so that they may re-join their families back in the UK.  I do feel that the decision to abandon dogs often comes through lack of someone there to help.  It may also be that, on occasion, the dogs will be found homes here if the circumstances dictate that they can't follow their owners for whatever reason that we should not judge.  To this end I would love to set up a network of foster families who see what the problem is and are willing to help out of the kindness of their hearts and care of dogs and cats that are facing troubled times through no fault of their own.  I am busy researching the costs involved for foster families willing to help and some way to ensure that it all works without anyone losing out or being left with unwanted dogs on their hands...... it's not an exact science and there will be hiccups but I think it can work because the people who come to help will understand what is involved and stick with it I hope and all pull together.  I'm not an idealist but I have seen and been impressed with the support and care that is often generated on this forum and others, that shows that there are some magnificent people out there who can and will help these dogs and cats that ask for so little and are completely defenceless.  If we can help stem the tide of abandoned dogs from Brits leaving, then the others whose work helping with the refuge dogs is so very important, can concentrate on that.  Constructive comments and ideas from you folks reading this will be very welcome.  Sacha and Popeye, Sampson, Abby Rose and several others I have managed to assist with the help of others recently,  illustrate that it can be done!

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I am joining the forum as the new owner of the gorgeous Sacha and Popeye. As you all know it has been a mission to get things sorted out and indeed the struggle continues. I want to publicly thank all those wonderful people who have helped to liberate the Poodle Pair and volunteered to foster them. B, R, D & B and R & R, thank you so much. I think that the idea of a website or forum dedicated to helping other animals who have found themselves in similar circumstances is brilliant and if I can help in any way I definitely will. If Sacha and Popeye's original owner happens to read this I hope she will gain some comfort from knowing that they are getting lots of love and have a new home together lined up for the not too distant future. Thanks again everyone, you're great!
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Hi Maggie and welcome!  So good to have such a happy ending for Sacha and Popeye and wonderful to know they are going to be together again in a loving home hopefully for many happy years to come, thanks to you and all the other good people this end - they looked so dejected at the SPA but I gather they are happy in their foster homes now.  Well done to all.  Would that we could muster the same outcome for more dogs like this........I'm sure we'll all keep trying.

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