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Four Cigognes/Storks shot Charente Maritime

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Four cigognes (protected species) have been killed near Saintes where 320 couples nest, 30 more than in 2010.  Two of them were ringed.  One had been ringed in Switzerland and the second at Anglade (Gironde) where it was born and ringed in 2003.

The LPO (Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux) is on the case, but will they get the criminals who did that.

Quatre cigognes blanches, espèce protégée, abattues en Charente-Maritime


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Near my French house are areas set aside for the viewing of these magnificent birds. People come from far away to do this . All it needs to depress the tourist industry even more than it is now are the sort of cruel bastards that carried out this crime . I hope they are soon caught and punished .
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