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This is one special pair!  This is a big ask - but they really do need a home together (hence their names given to them on arrival at the Refuge in Cahors!).  Alie (DOB c 2006, sterilised, micro chipped - 250269201031246), the Brittany, is a calm, affectionate and pretty girl adored by Baba (DOB c 2005, not sterilised, micro chipped - 250269201033210).  Baba is a bit smaller than Alie - a “bitsa”  and he is totally devoted to Alie, he hates to be separated from her.  So it really would be terrible for them to be split up! 

They were found wandering together and brought in to the Refuge about 6 months ago.  It was obvious that these 2 had been well cared for country dogs - but they have never been reclaimed!  They would soon settle into a new loving home - somewhere with a well fenced garden and plenty of space to run around together! They have probably not known the comfort of an indoor life, but would soon adapt to it!!  They are a very sociable pair - both with other dogs and people. 

The main thing is, can anyone offer them a home together!!?? Let me know if you need any further information.  These 2 really deserve the chance to stay together!!

This is Baba


This is Alie


Help - get us out of here!!



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Oh dear heaven what a sweet pair ......... Give me a few days Jouals and I will post them on doglinks for you.  It's such a tall order sometimes to get two homed together but you just never know and so we must try.  It's interesting that it's usually the male who can't bare to be separated and invariably goes down hill if split from his lady - often the same parallel in humans curiously............ also look at poor Kazoo that you have also.  Such sorrow and yet they take courage from eachother I'm sure.

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Thanks Merlin!!  You are right in your comments.  We would all love to see them homed together.  Baba would be devastated to be separated from his "lady"!!  They are a gorgeous pair.  Just hope someone somewhere might have room for them both!

(Kazoo is featured on Merlin's doglinks site, he is all alone since his sister was adopted a while ago.  They were close and he misses her terribly.)


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They're still waiting for a new home - please could anyone offer these 2 a home together??  Baba is on the list of "no-hopers"!!  How unfair is that!  If only they could find a home soon....



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This story is so touching.  We have exactly the same problem at Niort and no solution for Rex and Bobby, two seniors abandoned in November.  They have always been together and are inseparable.  I don't want to hijack your thread Jouals, but if ever you and Merlin miraculously had also someone for them.  I shall just put the link to their photos, so as not to distract and get them mixed up with Ali and Baba.






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  • 2 weeks later...
Alie and Baba are still waiting to find a home together!  Can anyone offer these 2 a new home???





46000 CAHORS

TEL 05 65 22 66 32



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  • 3 months later...
Back to the top of the list for these 2!  Yes - they are still waiting for a home together!!!  Luckily a volunteer has very kindly taken them home to foster for now - but she cannot keep them for too long - so please - is there anyone who might be able to offer these 2 a home together??  We have considered that they could go separately, but Baba is so attached to Alie - we are still hoping to find them a home together.  Please get in touch if you need more information or know anyone who might be able to offer these 2 a caring home!

Here are some new photos taken of them at a recent fund raising event for the Refuge. 








TEL 05 65 22 66 32

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I would just like to add that doglinks would pay their adoption fee if this will help.  I am always reluctant to offer dogs as being 'free' because dogs never come free - they need to be properly fed, kept warm and their health taken care of....... but sometimes the thought of a double adoption fee might just turn away a good home.  So if this is the case, don't turn away from Alie and Baba for this reason, but please give them a good home.

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URGENT - Alie and Baba are now on the danger list - their foster home can no longer keep them (2 weeks maximum now!!) and the the Refuge is full!  Could anyone offer them a foster home at least (we will provide all the help we can for this - transport etc) - they just need a kind home with care and attention and a well enclosed garden!!

Please get in touch if you could help these 2, or if you know anyone who might be able to foster them!!





46000 CAHORS

TEL 05 65 22 66 32


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  • 2 weeks later...
Just bumping these 2 back to the top - we are still trying all we can to find them a foster or permanent home together!!!   All they need is a good sized secure garden to potter in and some TLC!


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  • 1 month later...
Fantastic news for Alie and Baba - they were adopted together on Monday by an English couple living in the Mayenne.  It was a long journey for them from Cahors - but it was worth it!  Thanks to everyone involved in helping these 2 to stay together - Julie and Pierre (their foster carers), Merlin and Doglinks, David and, of course, their new owners who were thrilled to welcome them into their family!!  What a happy, happy ending.... more news soon on how they are getting on....


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Isn't it wonderful when so many people get together and help these lovely oldies and for someone to take them both to keep them together.  I have often thought and worried about them.  Thank you all so much for caring.  I'm sure their new family will never regret it, on the contrary.

Look forward to news and photos Jouals.

(I'm rescuing a relatively oldie Epagneul from a pound this weekend and I'm sure she will be as sweet as these two).   [:)]


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Alie and Baba are settling in very well - their owners have reported back on progress to say that they cannot understand how these 2 lovely dogs took so long to re-home!  Alie loves her walks and plenty of snoozing and Baba is alert and always ready for action.  He is, of course, happy as can be to be with his beloved Alie and they often curl up together - Alie mothers him, which he loves. 

Alie and Baba's new owners say "We just love them more each day!"

Just shows how much joy re-homing older dogs can bring to all concerned!  They deserve a chance.  



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  • 1 month later...
Let's have some good news - here is an update on how well Alie and Baba are doing in their new home….  Their new “mum” has sent us the following news on the happy pair!  Nicknamed "Tap Dancer and Gymnast" - read on….

“Alie & Baba have settled and are both so very loving!  Their foster mum pointed out to me Alie's “tap dancing“, particularly when she gets impatient or is kept waiting for dinner!  Baba is such a little acrobat, he could be in the circus  - when out on walks, he loves running up/down banks of grass and jumping over bushes. Indoors, under my supervision, they are allowed short times on a clic-clac in our office - they love jumping up & down and over each other.  Their early morning routine is like clockwork and they let us know if I'm late (or forget their chew!). 

We just cannot understand how these two were overlooked or not of interest to other adopters - they are active for their ages.  Alie does like her frequent naps but is ready to go out anytime. Baba's deformed front leg rarely causes him to limp - unless he falls down one of the grass banks he runs up, then he holds his leg up all the way home.  (Our Vet has examined him and confirms he has had a fracture in the past that was not treated.  The leg is strong enough and the injury could be several years old.  Surgery to break it and reset the leg may or may not be of use, but in the meantime he is fine.   Both dogs have excellent appetites and have put on a bit of weight.  Need to watch Alie, especially as she's spayed and we don’t want her to lose her figure!

As with most rescue dogs, one rarely knows their history, but they say dogs have no yesterday or tomorrow - just live for TODAY, so we aim to make their lives as happy and healthy as possible.  The rewards we get from them are endless and we have never regretted welcoming these two into our family.”

Many, many thanks to Alie and Baba’s new family for adopting them and taking such good care of them - what a happy ending for these two!!

Here they are at home…..  What a life!!  Just goes to show what joy even older dogs can bring into your life!





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