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NEED ADVISE to look for lost dog in France

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My friend Olga has lost her dog Vivi while attending World dog show in Torcy near Paris.

Vivi ran away during a walk, it happened on July 7.

Vivi is 2 years old Siberian Husky, brown&white, very friendly. 


Olga stayed in France by August 20, looking for Vivi but there was no success.

During this time she did everything she could imagine:

- distributed ADs in and towns of Seine-et-marne area

- contacted local police of Torcy, Roissy-en-brie and several other towns

- contacted vets in Seine-et-marne area

- contacted shelters in the Seine-et-marne area (the ones we could find)

- gave AD in newspaper of Torcy

- posted info on several web sites  

Olga had to leave (French visa had expired) but she is desperate and doesn't want to stop her search.

Please advise what else can be done when looking for a lost dog in France?

Where can we find addresses of all shelters of Seine-et-marne area?

At the moment Olga cannot come back (need new visa), what search can be done remotely?

We will highly appreciate any advice, thank you in advance!!

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Here is one more picture of Vivi


At the moment Vivi got lost she was out of coat and looked like this



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Hello Maria, so sorry to hear about this.  It looks as if everything has been done so far, I see you have her on Chien-perdu.org, Rescue and Taiga.  The problem is her microchip will not be registered here will it?  Is she spayed (sterilised)?

Here's what comes up for shelters in the Seine et Marne.



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Christine, thanks a lot for your support!

Yes, looks like microchip from Ukraine will not be recognized. Do you know if there is a way to register it in France? (SCC said it cannot be done :( )

Vivi is not sterilized.

Thank you for the links - I'm ongoing with checking them.

In your opinion what is the best way contacting refuges/shelters: calling or mailing AD with photos?

We have got a call that dog looking like Vivi was seen in Roissy-en-brie last night.

So we plan to find (hire) somebody who can help with distributing more ADs in this town and search by walking around in the evening time.

Where can we possibly search for such help?

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Unfortunately I don't think the microchip can now be registered in France as the dog has to be taken to a vet to be scanned, then fill out a form.

I wondered if she was sterilized in case someone could use her for breeding, but apparently she was not stolen but ran off, so let's hope that is not the case.

I put her microchip number into Google, but nothing came out of a dog with that number being found, but many of her missing.  A lot has been done!

For contacting the shelters I would call and email.  Emails are not always followed up here.

For such help in Roissy-en-Brie, I would ak on the Rescue site.  You already have her on there and you could also put a request under their SOS section with a link to the lost subject on her. 

Good luck!


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