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Brian the cat urgently needs a loving home (Lot, Cahors)

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Sorry to say my brother is not ready to take on another cat yet, also he has always had females and despite my re-assurance that males make lovely companions will not budge. I am so sorry because I think they would have been perfect, but has anyone else tried to tell their elder brother what to do???
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Yes, come on someone - what a chance - a beautiful cat (neutered) delivered to your door!!  There must be someone out there who could offer this lovely cat a home??  Linda is making every effort to find Brian a home - there must be one somewhere for him!!


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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks Jo, we still haven't found a home for him and the fighting continues which is really distressing for both the cats. I must post some more pictures because he's bigger now and everyone says how beautiful he is. The problem is not Brian it is Mona our existing cat. My partners daughter has been here for the last 2 weeks with her young cat and Mona has been agressive with him too and yet Brian and Lico (the young cat) have played together wonderfully and have been inseperable. Now they have gone back home Brian is really missinghis new pal and looking everywhere for him.

Brian really does need a good home before the winter as Mona will not tolerate him anywhere in the house and she attacks him :(

There must be a place for him in someone's heart ♥

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  • 2 weeks later...
Just bumping the lovely Brian up to the top again.  And also - with the changes to the DEFRA regulations making it so much easier for Brian to travel after Jan 1st, would it be possible for your partner's daughter to adopt him as a companion for her little cat Lico?  At least she would be sure that they got on well together!  I know it means a couple more months of hostilities for you to cope with but if no other home is forthcoming it could perhaps be an alternative solution.  Maybe a co-voiturage could even be arranged for the main part of the journey across France.


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Thanks Val. My partners daughter is french but she is a student living in a small bedsit so 2 cats isn't practical and plus Brian is used to having the freedom to roam. However I have got some good news that in the last few weeks there seems to have been a thawing in relations between Brian & Mona and this week they have been passing within a few feet of each other without fighting. Then this morning a miracle happened! I just went into the bedroom and found the BOTH curled up on our bed within a couple of feet of each other sleeping peacefully :D perhaps she has finally accepted his presence after all these months of fighting. I do hope so because they are both such lovely cats but very different and I love them both ♥
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Hi - I have put an ad to try and find another home for Sid Vicious as I'm not sure who is more stressed, the cats or us!  However, today I bought some Feliway from the vet (24 euros!!).  It's a copy of cat pheromones and apparently can make them all feel a bit calmer and we hope that may help until we find another home for Sid.  Do hope your two continue to settle.  We now have a situation where Sid attacks both of ours and now Jeeves is attacking Bertie, his brother.  Good luck! 
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Hi I know how stressful and upsetting it can be especially when you as a human being knows that there is no need for it as there are enough cosy spots, food love & affection to go around. I can't tell you how happy I was to find them together this morning and I haven't even made the bed as I don't want to disturb them...yes they are still there :D I hope pheromone spray works I used to use something like that for my dogs (when they were alive) when we travelled and it seemed to work really well. Good luck with finding a home for Sid. I haven't had any luck...everyone says how gorgeous Brian is but everyone wants a kitten. Can't think why...a loving well socialised & sterilised cat is far better than a mad thing that tears around the house ripping up the soft furnishings! Good luck and I hope the truce here continues as the nights are getting colder now.

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[quote user="Martlin"]However I have got some good news that in the last few weeks there seems to have been a thawing in relations between Brian & Mona and this week they have been passing within a few feet of each other without fighting. Then this morning a miracle happened! I just went into the bedroom and found the BOTH curled up on our bed within a couple of feet of each other sleeping peacefully :D perhaps she has finally accepted his presence after all these months of fighting. I do hope so because they are both such lovely cats but very different and I love them both ♥[/quote]

They may never be kindred spirits, but if they can just learn to co-exist ............  Anybody who knows cats will relate to what you've described.

Sounds good.

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That's really good news!  Our first cat has always resented our second cat but hostility eventually gave way to disdain (the second cat was an amenable sort, much younger and was always hoping - in vain - to get the older cat to play with him).  Now they ignore each other most of the time but like you we occasionally find them curled upon the same bed - not really together but at least sharing a space without arguments.  It sounds as if some kind of truce has been reached in your household too, probably because Brian is an easygoing sort of fellow.  Long may it last!


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Hi All who are following this thread, today a decision had to be made! After all this time a lady phoned in response to our announcement for Brian on le bon coin at the beginning of September. So we had to decide whether to let him go and....we couldn't do it. We have both grown to love the big softy and now that things have definately improved between him and Mona we really want to try to keep them both. I don't think they will ever be best mates but if they can tolerate each other then they can both have a happy warm home with lots of love & cuddles.....and Brian can stay stretched out on "his" bed!! :D

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I'm so pleased for both Brian and Mona - and you! We have 12 cats and they have to get on!! Sometimes there are fireworks, sometimes they surprise you, like Brian and Mona, but I'm sure that they both appreciate your love and their surroundings, and are much happier with you than not. Well done!!

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Thanks Jouals...really it is only possible because things have improved significantly...there were a few hisses from Mona yesterday but nothing like before and they both seem to have far fewer scratches on their heads these days :). I was getting very worried as the weather got colder. We now have my partners teenage daughter living with us fulltime as she tragically lost her mother quite recently. Its really tough for her and Brian seems to realise that she needs cuddles and has been curling up with her which is lovely. So often animals can do what us lesser beings can't. A simple purr and and a little nuzzel, and a tousled head to ruffle really helps when you are down. Lots of love to everyone who has offered help & support in Brian's search for love....I guess it was always just under his nose :D
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[quote user="Martlin"] Lots of love to everyone who has offered help & support in Brian's search for love....I guess it was always just under his nose :D[/quote]

What a splendid result ... well done Mona for coming to less-hissing terms with the interloper!

Sue [:)]

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