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How could anyone be so cruel!!! Truly shocking...!

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Not making excuses but as horrible as it is could it have been nothing more than a terrible accident ?

It surely wouldn't be the 1st time somebody had innocently tied their animal to their tow bar or a bumper and then driven off completely forgetting it was there.

It seems impossible to believe that even the cruelest of people would deliberately do something like this on a public road ?

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  • 2 weeks later...
You can sign the petition for justice for Gary....


He is under the care of the SPA Ramier...


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I thought about making this confession earlier, but AnOther's suggestion has prodded me into it ................

This happened many years ago when my children were still in school. We were on holiday in Brighton with my brother-in-law, his wife and their son who had with them their much loved west highland white dog. It was a hot day and when we got back to the car we put a bowl of water in the shade under the car and looped his lead on an over rider on the bumper.

There followed a discussion about where we'd go next. It took a while and and my brother-in-law decided to lead the way since he knew where we were going.

Imagine our horror when he pulled out ahead of us with the poor dog being dragged along behind. My nephew who was in my car was distraught and it seemed to take ages for my brother-in-law to realise that all our tooting and flashing was at him.

The response of the people around us was really alarming. An angry crowd gathered and my brother-in-law was threatened by a man who flatly refused to believe it had all been accidental. We spent the rest of the evening trying to find an emergency vet. The dog was not seriously hurt and lived a long, happy and relatively uneventful life with his loving family.

Of course I hope for justice for Gary if it was deliberate.

Otherwise I just hope he gets better soon.

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Mmmm   Its seems to me to be a strange way for people to act if the cruelty was deliberate .. All very public and inviting big time retribution . People who go out of their way to be cruel to animals usually do it where others dont see them .

There is nothing in the article in the way of an explaination by the  car driver of how the dog came to be  dragged down the road . All I read is lots of condemnation  over an act of cruelty ..and an appeal for funds from the public to pay for the animals treatment

I would like to hear from the dog owner who as far as we know may have been in the car and is really distraught. It  would put a different light on the matter if this happened due to forgetfulness .. We only have one persons view of what happened and has branded it as cruelty....From a person running an animal refuge who perhaps sees a lot of cruelty to dogs and has not waited for all the information regarding this incident before talking to the press .

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