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Complete France Forum

Stolen Labrador - May be in France - Pls help if u can


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Dear all

Many of you know that I am a very keen dog lover and labrador owner.  I have been recently helping a fellow labrador owner called Caroline via another Forum for labrador lovers.  She has gone to the ends of the earth trying to trace her beloved dog and if anyone can help her, no matter how remote the possibility, please take a few minutes to read on, there is a possibility he may be in France...

Here's her original post:
"Hi everyone, I'm writing to ask for your help in trying to find my beautiful dog George who was stolen on the 4th March from the Riding School where I live and work, in North Hampshire. George is a 4 year old, neutered, very large black labrador. He is extremely friendly, but unfortunately suffers from epilepsy. He needs medication to keep his seizures under control. Unfortunately George was not chipped yet. If anybody knows anything at all about a new dog in their area who may fit his description, please, please can you let me know as I'm desperate. I am offerring a substantial reward for his safe return.
So far I have posted his details everywhere, and spoken to hundreds of rescue centres, vets, authorities etc. and although I have managed to find and 'rescue' 2 stray black labs, and find their owners, I've had absolutely no news at all of my boy. I'm going to post his details on the lost pages also. Any help at all (or advice in case I've missed calling anyone) will be greatly appreciated - if I can work out how to put a picture on the site I will do. Thanks for reading - Caroline x"

Here are some links to her own site and other lost dogs sites

Here is a latest message from Caroline..."Hi all, I have a bit of a lead on a stolen dog racket thats going on in the south. Apparently stolen dogs (particularly gun dogs) are being 'smuggled' (if thats the right word - in fact dogs in cars taken abroad by ferry are not checked) to France via the Isle of Wight, and are then sold on. Gun dogs (labs and spaniels) are apparently sought after over there. If anyone has any contact with anyone in France who may be able to help - please let me know. I'd really like to send an email to vets, local authorities (does France have Dog Wardens?), and in particular any gun dog societies. However, as I don't speak French a search of French websites is going to be really hard! Any ideas anyone?

Caroline xx "

If anyone has any information please feel free to pass it onto me or directly to Caroline.  Call 07867 603568 or e-mail her at cmcmerritt@aol.com. She is offering a £1000 reward for any information leading to his return - NO QUESTIONS ASKED.

Please help if you can.

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It’s difficult to know what to advise on this. Obviously poor Caroline is ready to do anything to get George back and I understand and share her pain.

What do we have to go on? A dog who has disappeared in March and without any identity. He could be in France as he could be anywhere. Even if by chance he was brought over to France, he could now be in Spain or elsewhere. Also if he was brought over to France, he could since have been micro-chipped and be registered in someone else’s name. There is an enormous « dog traffic » in France, where, amongst others, gundogs are stolen for the south-west where there are the most « chasseurs » and therefore the most demand. I think there is also a demand in Spain.

On the positive side, we know he was not stolen for breeding as he is neutered.

This very sad story once again shows the absolute necessity for an animal to have an identity.

Have you tried to put an ad on this site « Lost Pets International »


I sincerely hope you find him and send you my best wishes,



P.S. Caroline, is there an animal programme in England where you could say George has disappeared?  Secondly have you any data so that we can know what is going on on the French side, about the racket via the Isle of Wight.  I belong to an anti-traffic organisation here (ANTAC) and they may be interested to know about this.


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Thank you so much for the web link.  Yes it is so important that we all make sure our pets are properly identifiable via chip or tattoo.  George's owner hadn't got round to getting him chipped but he wore a collar with ID on it and has some identifying scars.

I had no idea that the demand was in SW France (where I live and own 2 labradors!).

Caroline has posted on every lost dog site in the UK, written 10,000 of letters to vets, schools, newpapers, got TV involved and has set up a website with a fellow pet owner who also had a dog stolen. 

I will pass on the information to Caroline and her friends on www.labforums.co.uk  forum in the hope that we can all continue to help with the search.

Thank you once again. ANY help, comments and suggestions are appreciated.


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