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Absolutely desperately seeking loving homes!!!! 24 or 16


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Hi,  Our owners are really sad because they have got to go back to England unexpectedly and cannot take us with them. We haven't got a pet passport because they rescued us here in France and never expected to be having to go back to England for good.  They have enquired into putting us into quarantine and that would cost over £3,500.00, unfortunately, they have not got that sort of money until their house here is sold and they have asked the vets how quickly we could get passports and that would take over 6 months.  They are extremely upset as they are responsible owners and would definitely prefer to take us with them.  They have not been able to rehome us with friends, as all their friends already have as many cats as they can home. 

We have all been neutered/spayed, wormed recently and are treated with frontline for fleas and ticks.  Minnie is a very pretty silver tabby female, approx 4 years old, when she gets to know you she is the sweetest natured cat you will find, Rumpus is a ginger male, very much a house cat , likes nothing better than to be sat on your knee in front of the fire, approx 8 years old and Gizmo is a black and white pretty female, still very much a baby, a bit naughty but also cuddly about 1 year old and occassionally we do catch the odd mouse!!!

So please if you could take one or all of us into your home we (and our owners) would be soooo happy and grateful, we have plenty of photos if you would like to see us first.

We hope you can help us

Minnie, Rumpus and Gizmo


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All these cases are very sad and to be honest, a pain.  We get stories like this all the time.  I do not want to judge the reasons, but my philosphy is still "when there is a will there is a way".

But the poor animals have to be thought of.  Could you email me or send me your phone number (see our site).  I cannot promise anything, but may know of someone who could perhaps help.  It is Christmas for the animals as well.


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We are extremely sad about having to rehome our cats, it is the first time in our lives when we are asking for help and homes for our animals and not being the ones offering them, including dogs, cats, horses and any other fluffy and feathered creatures that needed looking after.  I would therefore respectfully ask you not to be too judgmental without knowing all the details why we are returning to the UK.  I feel that when people are returning to the UK, they are not normally doing it without a lot of thought and probably a lot of heartache and pain, so for the minority the philisophy of  'where there's a will there's a way' may fit, but for the majority, I am sure they have looked at all the 'ways' of keeping their pets and all the 'will' in the world does not conjure up the resources needed for quarantine or the 6 months needed here, when the return to the UK is unplanned and imminent.  I feel therefore that a kind word would be more feeling and helpful as they are losing friends in a way they had not foreseen. I appreciate the work you do with rehoming, but maybe you could learn to feel for your fellow kind as much as you do the animals,  try to see the best in everyone and certainly have all the details before judging someone, they are probably suffering and needing support, rather than making them feel worse than they probably already do! 

I will not respond to any other posting unless it is of a positive nature or sent directly to me at my email address.

I write this with respect and will send you photographs.


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I apologise if you found my remarks harsh, but I did say that I did not want to judge the reasons and I don't.  I was, however, positive in trying to help you find a solution.  It is up to you whether you wish to accept this offer or not.

You do not say how much time there is left.

I have not judged you in any way and would ask you to kindly do the same.  I do help animals, but I also do all I can for my fellow kind.

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I  too have much respect for all who go to the trouble of helping animals, no matter how large or small.  In reading this thread just through from top to bottom I regret that your reply, Christine, did read a bit judgemental, even though you didn't mean it to. 

 It hurts such a lot being wrenched from animals, I do hope a good home is found and that the return to the UK goes comfortably.

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Christine has played a part in rehoming a large number of animals, and is offering to help in this instance. I don't think she is being judgemental, merely passing a general comment that having to find homes for animals in France is something that is very difficult and happens all too frequently - something I would agree with totally. Christine and I both know that there are many reasons for having to leave pets, many of which are perfectly valid and cannot be foreseen - which I am sure applies in this particular case.


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I know it did come across a bit hard, but was not aimed at this particular case nor anything personal.  We have not long ago had cases where it was "absolutely impossibe" for people to take their dogs back.  After going to great trouble to try to find a solution, and in one case finding someone who offered a home to one of the dogs, the people concerned suddenly decided at the last minute that they could take them back, which was marvellous,  but as they did not need us any more they did not bother to tell us.  It was only when I phoned to find out the situation that they told me.You know I shall always try to do what I can.

As already stressed on here by different people at different times, it would be so simple if everyone had their pets ready 'just in case'.  Everyone thinks they are not going to go back, but you never know what can be round the corner.  A pet should normally be chipped and vaccinated.  It would not be that much more to get the blood test done and have their passport ready, in the same way as those who travel with them frequently.  It would avoid so much trouble and heartbreak.




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IMHO there are two aspects to the thread,  the personal aspects to the particular

circumstances (the details of which are quite probably very sad and to which my

opinion is irrelevant) and the possible benefit to others reading the thread on

a public forum.

Not relevant to the specific person starting the tread, but

the number of times I have seen posts saying “How can I take my pet from UK to

France and NEVER coming back to the UK” and then I’ve responded with the

obvious “circumstances change” response does regularly disappoint me.  This is particularly true as you then either

get totally ignored or the “I know what I’m doing response back”.

Without commenting on the particular circumstances or pets

requiring new homes, it is unfortunately true that there are a continual stream

of such posts on these French interest forums. 

I’m sure people do move to France intending to never return to the UK

but for a percentage of cases circumstances do change.  That is life.  I do feel Christine is right to post as she did – it is very

important for others to realise that when they get a new pet (wherever), that

the cost of doing the blood test as soon as they take on responsibility for the

pet is critical.  In the scale of costs

for keeping a pet it is trivial yet, as Christine says, can avoid these


I’m sure the circumstances are not what people would wish

but maybe others can learn and plan for possible futures and get their pets

blood tested now “just in case”.  I’m

sure those trying to find suitable homes now wish they had had the blood test

done when the took responsibility for the pets (and thus were able to take them

back to the UK with them).


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