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We have found a dog


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Hi or rather she has found us!  We live in a fairly isolated position near Percy between St Lo and Villedieu.  Last Saturday this delightful little dog (cross type minature poodle) turned up at our door. 

We already have three dogs and a cat. 

Yesterday went around our neighbours and one said that he too had seen the dog at his home but chased it away!  Could not do that.

This morning put lots of notices up around the town in the vets and in the Marie and even asked the postman to pass the news around.

Our present incumbents have taken a rather hostile approach to the new arrival and we just cannot keep her and as much as we would wish to.

The vet says she is not microchipped nor tatooed.

What now please is the procedure in France and what more can I do.

One thing is for certain she will not be put to sleep for she is healthy and I am a keen supported of the Dogs Trust so just could not do it.

Guidance and help please and this is my first time on the forum and having only recently moved to France,





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You could put an ad in the local paper, it's free for "chiens trouvés".

I have recetly been contacted by someone on the Manche/Calvados border, but willing to travel, who are looking for a little bichon or similar.  Perhaps they could be interested if you do not find the owners and if they have not already found a dog.

Sending you an email...

You could also let the fourrières and refuges in your area know as someone might have reported her as missing :




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