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Kennels - cost and availability

Rob G

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We moved from the UK to Normandy (76) in November. We have one small

doggy - a bichon frise (which they seem to call a "bichon maltais"

here). We haven't yet had to put him into kennels, but sooner or later

the time will come when we have to all go away for a few days and will

need to find suitable accomodation for him. Having had a very quick

look in the "pages jaunes", there seem to be only one or two kennels

anywhere near us. The local free paper has no ads for kennels.

So we were just wondering, are kennels generally hard to come by, how

much do they generally cost and what sort of standard are they?



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i have only used kennels a couple of times for a couple of

days.  I found the kennels I used

through asking at my agility club and they told me of two who they knew through

personal contacts (thus I assumed they would be OK).  Both times I booked about a week before and had no problems – but

they were in Oct/Nov and I would imaging that the situation might be very

different in e.g. Aug.

I think I paid€24 for two nights (but I provided the food).

On the few occasions I use kennels I always take food for my

dog (unless the kennel happens to have the same food) as I think that kennels

are stressful enough and same food can only make things a little easier for the

dog.  Whenever I did this in the UK I

was never convinced they had fed my do the food I had taken.  However, both times in France I was sure

they had as I always measure the food out into separate bags for each meal, and

always take an extra meal of two and over her both times they have given me

back the “extra meals” they had not needed to use.

I would assume that just as in the UK there are better and

worse kennels.


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Thanks for the replies. I guess when it comes to it we'll just have to phone round and see what we get.

Christine, we were already pretty convinced that a bichon maltais was

not quite the same as a bichon frise. However, every French person who

has seen our dog has called him a bichon maltais. It's bizarre - it's

not as though people don't have bichons frises in France - we've seen

plenty of them around. For some reason most people don't seem familiar

with the correct name.


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We found a great kennels in Cheffois 85 run through our local canine club, however it was a 40 min trip each way, but it was worth it for piece of mind, as having met the owner we knew we would be hard put to find a better place. It should have been 10euros a day but they reduced it to 9 as we are also members, and we got the 10th day free. The kennels were of good size, spotless and had both heating and air conditioning.

It was the first time our dog had been in kennels and when we picked him up, we were greeted by a happy and healthy hound!

If anyone wants the details let me know.



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