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Second opinion


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I'm not sure I want to go back to the original vet, the one who charged me 174 euros for a couple of x-rays and a bandage on my dog's hind leg.   Then another 11 euros last week when I went back to say that the bandage was all loose, and he stuck some more on.

Someone has recommended another vet.  Do you think it's okay to change allegiance mid-treatment, as it were?  I have the X-rays. 

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I would (subject to considerations). I think it is important to have confidence in your vet. However, some areas have limited vet surgery availability. Mine for example. If I do not use my local vet (4 Km), the next nearest is 15Km away. When I had need of my vet emergency service some time ago (on Sunday), I called them, and they checked/asked where I lived – i.e. the probably only wanted to give coverage in their “geographic area”. Had I upset them then I am sure I would still have got treatment but who knows. If you have plenty of local vets then probably not an issue.

If you are limited by available local vets might be worth finishing off the current treatment with the current one then trying another for the next required treatment (i.e. if you then decide o return to you previous vets they may not know you’ve tried elsewhere, unless you do it for vaccinations – stamps in vaccination books/certificates, etc.).

Two years ago when I desperately urgently needed a Pet Passport and there was limited availability my local vet did not have any but I then found some 25 miles away so went there to get them. At the tick & tape worm treatment my own vets were surprisingly upset I had gone elsewhere, even though they still did not have any Pet Passports to issue !!

I have been told by some that my local vets are not great with domestic animals but mainly farm animal vets. The same people told me that they recommend a vet in the 2nd nearest city (65Km away). Were I to call them on a Sunday I can guess the response.


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If you're unhappy, change. We use a vet 18kms away because they were recommended to us as primarily "small animal" vets and, because friends used them, we were confident they understood the pet passport paperwork / ferry requirements. We are entirely happy with them but if we found someone equally good and closer, we'd change without worrying about it. I would probably notify the original vets afterwards that I'd switched, though, just to save them sending out jab reminders, etc. Ask other vets if they have a list of charges and if possible make a comparison to what you're presently being charged. In the unlikely event you were asked why you are thinking of changing, should you feel it necessary to give more than a gallic shrug, just say it's more convenient.
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