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My baby is back....


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Well took about an hour to get her from the Animal Control at frankfurt... no drama.

And she is back where she belongs... with her family.

Unfortunately she is very very underweight to the point you can see her hip bones and ribs... the damn kennel did not take care of her. She looks like a badly abused little baby.

So now begins her therapy... am back feeding her good RMB's and supplimenting that with Satin Balls (Have fed her about 700 gms of this today) and will slowly increase the quantities.
The Satin balls are supposed to work wonders on weight gain... lets see how it progresses.... will update.

I can barely wait for the weekend so that I can see her again, and suspect that she will bite my head off, because I am the one who took her to the kennel when we were moving.

Whats more the Newfoundland has taken a shine to her as well which is good...

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Happiness is.................................. I am so pleased that the ordeal, for all of you, is over and you can get on with your lives. They really are worth all the trouble and cost aren't they.

What are Satin balls please? Our adopted Dane chienne (the English word for lady dog was spat out by the programme) is almost as thin as the day we got her and we have not been able to put any weight on her and no matter how much we feed, she still wants more. Perhaps Satin balls will help.

Very best wishes to all of you.

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So pleased for you Afy... but why do you have to wait until the weekend to see her again, where is she?  Maybe I missed something.

I too wonder what are the satin balls.  Maybe Utopie (wasn't that her name?) will start to fill out a bit now she's spayed Anne and can fully settle down.


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Congrats, Afy!  Hope she picks up weight soon.

For those interested, here's the recipe for Satin Balls from Wellpet:


Balls - The Original Recipe


The following recipe

was sent to Wellpet

by Diana Carreon, R.N.,C.  It quickly became one of the most requested

posts on Wellpet.


    10 pounds hamburger meat [the cheapest kind]

    1 lg. box of Total cereal

    1 lg. box oatmeal

    1 jar of wheat germ

    1 1/4 cup veg oil

    1 1/4 cup of unsulfured molasses

    10 raw eggs AND shells

    10 envelopes of unflavored gelatin

    pinch of salt

Mix all ingredients together, much like you

would a meatloaf.

Divide into 10 quart freezer bags and freeze.

Thaw as needed and feed raw!

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I do not know your whole story, but I will be glad when you are reunited , I am sure it will make all the difference to your pets recovery.I have just looked at the wellpet website, its very interesting.It has a whole section on taming a ferrel cat or kitten, well having just been through it for the last ten months what they say is spot on.I have had cats all my life, always a rescue one but this time after a traumatic time and the slow death of a four year old, I was ready for a challenge.I took on a ferrel 9 week old from a farm,the farmer has a bit of an attitude of letting them continuously breed.Anyway I can really reccomend to anyone who is thinking of taking on such a cat that it will bring so many rewards.I virtually carried out all the advice given on wellpet and with a lot of time and patience, removing her from behind the staircase and dismantling the vanity unit in the bathroom. I have ended up with the most loving cat who follows us everywhere.She fetches a ball like a dog,wants to play all the time and she has bought so much joy to our lives and she really adores my O.H. and requires at least ten minutes fuss when he returns from work.You need to be able to give them plenty of time and it really was a six month process,but I really feel I have saved her from a difficult life.If anybody reads this and is thinking about doing it please pm me and I will speak to you on the phone.My little Lily was totally wild and I really did think I had taken more on than I could manage,but it was well worth it.

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