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Feeding Raw


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Have just been reading the wellpet website as brought up in the post (my babys back) and am now thinking seriously about the rights and wrongs of commercial petfood.I have always fed my cats on wet food until the last one, I carried on with science plan as she was fed that at the rescue centre, she died of a tumour at age four years old.May not be connected but it does make you think.Has anybody tried raw food  feeding, I don,t think it would harm to introduce some, I am interested in your views.My cat at the moment has a mixture of wet food and science plan.
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Commercial pet food is filled with fillers like rice and rendered fat. Which really isnt healthy....

I do feed raw, and have found that my dogs including the Dane, do much better on Raw than home cooked. I wouldnt feed kibble under any circumstances

The dogs generally have cleaner teeth, no anal gland issues, no gas and no doggie smell per se. The coats are better, and they tend to be more lively...

It is more expensive though, but well worth it IMHO

Switch to raw... completely. Dont mix wet/science plan et al.

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I think it's really an individual choice.  I have lots of friends who are raw feeders and who swear by it. It doesn't work for us, however, as Maggie has eating issues and I often wound up throwing away food that she wouldn't eat for several days.  It got expensive.

I use a high quality kibble with human grade ingredients and that works for us.


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It does indeed boil down to choice and even convienience.... my in laws feed home cooked meals normally, and sometimes kibble. The dog seems fine, they have a Newfie which is now 12 and that is unusual for giant breeds..

The reason for for not mixing the two at the same time is the different digestion times required. RAW is digested quicker than Kibble.


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Thank you PossumGirl for the recipe for Satin Balls, I have copied it out in case I need it but I am not sure that feeding raw is something I want to do as I have always had good results using a particular French premium commercial feed. I shall give it a little time with Utopie and see if, as Christine suggests, she puts on a little more weight now that she has been speyed. If she continues to be so skeletal I may try the Satin Balls. As it is she is on the same product as our male Dane, who is in lovely condition, but she is getting 50 percent more and is thin enough to get me arrested for maltreatment. I have feared for cardiomyopathy but the vet assures me that she is perfectly OK. She certainly does not lack in energy and her coat is like silk.

I guess we will just have to wait a bit longer and see how she goes.

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We give our 2 border collies some kind of raw meat every day. They have

croquettes too and the occasional egg. What is kibble? I read on

another forum that dogs fed on raw food produce less waste ie faeces.


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Yes it is true that raw fed dogs do produce less poopie. That I can attest to...

Also the Satin balls are amazing, my poor Laila is getiing them and in just two days her spine is less prominent than what it was when she got here...

She is putting on wieght... and is active and happy.

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