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Anti-flea things for dogs


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Fleas are less of a risk than ticks (depending on where you live and where you walk your dog). There are several tick born diseases in France that can be fatal in a few days (treatable if caught early – e.g. Piroplasmose). Best thing is to follow a treatment course for ticks (which is normally the same as for fleas but more frequently). Ticks are potential risks all year round (though a bit worse at some times).

Different people use different things. Most common is probably Frontline (monthly for ticks and fleas). Available in drop or spray format from pet departments in supermarkets, garden centres, vets (probably more expensive at vets), etc. Spraying can be a challenge with some dogs (wear rubber gloves). Drops are very easy – just break open the plastic pipette and apply to the skin (not fur) on the neck (in several different places, not all on the same place) – but follow instructions on the box rather than mine. Pipettes are in different sizes for sized dogs. Spray probably works out cheaper than the drops. Personally not convinced about the collars some people suggest and would only use then as a secondary protection (myself).

With Frontline the stuff from the vet and supermarkets/garden centres is the same (i.e. not a weaker version). Different types of Frontline drops (e.g. combi, etc.) – I just use the basic normal stuff (somewhat cheaper than the combi). Note that Frontline is available for cats as well as dogs so make sure you get one for dogs rather than the one for cats.


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Best to get stuff from the vets (or the same product you can buy at the vets from elsewhere).  Something like a scalibor collar might be okay for you (if you prefer a collar that does it all) - kills ticks, fleas and sandflies too.
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[quote user="Christine Animal"]

There is a spot-on called Stronghold which is expensive but covers many things, including prevention of heartworm (weren't you concerned about that Possumgirl) :


I was indeed, Christine.  However, our vet reassured us that it isn't a problem in this area and recommended the twice-yearly Milbemax pills instead.  I haven't given it to her yet, because she had a bad, bad reaction to the non-Burns food I bought to tide her over until our order arrived.  After the worst diarrhea she has ever had, and not eating for over 48 hours, I decided her tummy did NOT need to deal with a new worm treatment this week!  BTW, I did read the label on the bag and did not see brewer's yeast listed, but it must have been there.  Guess my arms need to grow another few inches so I can read the small print more easily.


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Christine, I just checked and Stronghold is also sold under the name of Revolution in the U.S.  A friend of mine just used it on his Bichon, which seem to have a bad case of sarcoptic mange.  The vet is astonished, because it doesn't appear to have helped at this point.


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Yes, I saw it seemed to be called Revolution as well.  I was wondering where I could perhaps order it "en masse" at a reduced price for all the cats and dogs as it seems to take care of so many things, fleas, worms, heartworm, mange, ear mites.  But if your friend found it didn't work on his Bichon...

I just had a look at your site Will.  They have Frontline, but not Stronghold.

I shall continue my investigations...  

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Christine, I know this sounds odd, but there is a place in Australia that ships various flea and tick treatments to other countries.  I was considering using them for Heartgard, which needs a prescription in the U.S. but not in Oz. They quoted me something like $3.99 postage when I checked!!

I don't think I kept their URL after finding out I don't need to worry about heartworm here, but I can find out from my friends who use it if you're interested.


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Christine - that's a pity about Zubial. We have just had a delivery of Frontline from there, very quick service, only takes a day to two to arrive after ordering.

The last dog Judie (Mrs Conq) rescued had very bad sarcoptic mange. He is of no particular breed, but is quite like a bichon (we also have a bichon frisé), though with longer (now it has regrown), straighter, black hair. The mange was cured, very effectively, by weekly baths in a solution that came from the vet. I'll find out what it was - it smells like paintbrush cleaner, and is apparently quite toxic. So it has to be used carefully, but it certainly worked, judging by our now very shaggy and well covered little dog.

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And after everyone's good advice, I've gone and got something different, and now I'm all worried!  [:$]

I looked in two huge supermarkets, U and LeClerc, but they both only had one brand, and of course I can't remember the name, could it have been Phytosoins?

So I thought I'd go to the vet, and she sold me something called Advantix, which apparently does all 3, fleas, ticks, and mosquitos.   There were 2 other brands, but each only did two out of the three.

That was 22 euros for 4 capsules, one to be applied every 3 weeks (this will test my organisational capacities to the limit).

Have I done the right thing?   I do worry!

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Of course you have done the right thing SB.  Don't worry!

Will, your site does look good value and I can use it for other things than Stronghold.  Could the mange stuff you mean be Dimpygal?  I just thought it seemed so practical with one squidge of Stronghold to be able to treat several things in one go, including ear mites, especially on cats who are sometimes more difficult to manipulate.

In my searches I did come across this site.  Unfortunately they don't want to send products to France (I even emailed them to make sure and received a negative reply).  But I'm posting it as there is quite a bit of useful information on their site and it might be of use to someone who is in the UK :


Possumgirl, yes thanks, I would be interested to see the Australian site you mentioned if you have it handy.



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Advantix is one of the “mainstream” makes. I thought about it myself but a few things put me off so I stayed with Frontline.

I would always say to follow your vets advice (or find a vet where you are happy to take their advice). The only thing that you may want to watch is that vets may tend to sell you the more expensive forms. For example my own vet used to sell me Frontline Combi – somewhat more expensive than the standard Frontline and for me of no particular benefit (as ticks are the only problem I need to deal with). I thus changed to getting my Frontline from e.g. Gamm Vert, or other garden centres, or pet departments from supermarkets – where the prices can be somewhat lower. But that’s a commercial problem not a pet care issue.


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[quote user="Christine Animal"]

Of course you have done the right thing SB. Don't worry!

In my searches I did come across this site. Unfortunately they don't want to send products to France (I even emailed them to make sure and received a negative reply). But I'm posting it as there is quite a bit of useful information on their site and it might be of use to someone who is in the UK :



I was having a look through the site you found and was thinking that a lot of what they are selling are products that I thought were not available on “general sale” in the UK (i.e. not in shops, not on the internet, etc.) – then I saw that they require a prescription for them from your vet. It would be interesting if anybody in the UK tries it to know if vets charge for giving a prescription (as that would affect the overall price).


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[quote user="SaligoBay"]

And after everyone's good advice, I've gone and got something different, and now I'm all worried!  [:$]

I looked in two huge supermarkets, U and LeClerc, but they both only had one brand, and of course I can't remember the name, could it have been Phytosoins?

So I thought I'd go to the vet, and she sold me something called Advantix, which apparently does all 3, fleas, ticks, and mosquitos.   There were 2 other brands, but each only did two out of the three.

That was 22 euros for 4 capsules, one to be applied every 3 weeks (this will test my organisational capacities to the limit).

Have I done the right thing?   I do worry!


Saligo Bay, we used a product called Advantage in South Africa for several years on as many as 5 Gt.Danes at a time and I imagine that Advantix is a local name variation of that.    It was always effective against both fleas and various ticks(there are several varieties there) and without any ill effects on the dogs.  It was  less expensive than Frontline (about same price but 4 ampoules instead of 3) and with 5 giant dogs, the price mattered.


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Advantix is basically Advantage with permethrin added. Permethrin is actually quite an old treatment for ticks but cats cannot handle it – very poisonous to them (it can kill them though with vet treatment this is unlikely).

Some people say you should not use it on a dog in a house where dogs and cats are friendly and may “snuggle together”. In truth, these allegations about cats in contact with dogs dying are related to Permethrin and not specifically Advantix (which contains Permethrin).

Permethrin was a common treatment used by vets against ticks until the ‘80s when more modern chemicals took over. Its addition to Advantage to create Advantix is thought to be a “quick fix” solution for Bayer, enabling them to have a product to compete with Frontline quickly.

Being realistic, Bayer is a major company and with any mainstream products there are bound to be a few instances of “problems” (just on a statistical basis, even if they are unrelated to treatments) – so a few comments around need to be taken in perspective. Also, in France do not switch back to Advantage as this does not deal with ticks (Advantage only does fleas).


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[quote user="SaligoBay"]

So I thought I'd go to the vet, and she sold me something called Advantix, which apparently does all 3, fleas, ticks, and mosquitos.   There were 2 other brands, but each only did two out of the three.


Yes, SB.  This is a very good product.  We use it and haven't had the least bit of trouble.  In fact, I find that Maggie tolerates it better than Frontline.


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[quote user="Deimos"][quote user="Christine Animal"]


[/quote] I was having a look through the site you found and was thinking that a lot of what they are selling are products that I thought were not available on “general sale” in the UK (i.e. not in shops, not on the internet, etc.) – then I saw that they require a prescription for them from your vet. It would be interesting if anybody in the UK tries it to know if vets charge for giving a prescription (as that would affect the overall price). Ian[/quote]

Clever of you to have noticed that Ian.  That explains why they don't send to France!

Thanks Possumgirl, I shall have a look at your site.  (I hope Ian investigates first!).


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I use Advantix on my dogs, which the vet recommended knowing that we had cats, so as long as you don't use the product directly on cats there doesn't seem to be any problems. I have to say that the Frontline cat spray worked a treat on getting rid of the rentrée nits of my little girl too!
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