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carte d'identification


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just had my new puppy micro-chipped etc, and have received through post above.    there seems to be one part which requires despatch to ministere de l'agriculture but i am not clear on whether  i send this now, or whether this is intended to be sent only in event of new owner or address.   could anyone please clarify for me?

many thanks

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I have one in front of me if you mean the card received through the post and not the temporary flimsy one the vet gives you.

Along the top it says from left to right Ficher National d'Identification des Chiens, Carte d'Identification and in a littlebox Ministère de l'Agriculture de l'Alimentation....

Underneath there is the name and address of the vet, description of the dog and below that the owner, to the right of that New Owner/New Address (in case of change of owner or address).

If that is the one you have it is your permanent card which you only send to the Société Centrale Canine (see other side of card) in case of change of owner or address.


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