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sorry not strictly french i suppose, except lots of them in france (does that qualify?)
my puppy recently found a ground wasp's nest and stuffed her nose down it - the inevitable occurred -no idea how many stings but by time i had finished typing in'wasp sting' on internet for guidance i turned around and lower jaw size of a balloon and stuff running down her nose.    naturally we heaved her in the car and drove like maniacs to vet who saw us immediately and gave two injections (the stings were inside her mouth), one anti-histamine and one anti-biotic.   27 euros later we left vets, puppy with non swollen face and yet another 'vet friend' to add to her two others (dont ask!).  

Anyway, i thought that would be the end of it, assuming she will learn a lesson that wasps are not to be tampered with (I should point out that we had no idea the nest was there otherwise of course we would have dealt with it/kept her away).   Sadly she has not learned her lesson and she now has what can only be a personal vendetta against anything flying, particularly wasps.   so far she has escaped another sting but i cant run round all summer shouting 'no - dont touch the wasp/bee/fill in the blank' like i have been doing.

so, question, call me really heartless but i can see never ending 27 euro visits to the vets if she carries on like this.   does anyone know if they really need to  go to vets or if i over-reacted?    or, is it likely that she will have less of a reaction either second time around, or as she gets older.   sorry i know it sounds really mean but we have a cat as well and so far we have now been to vets around 6 times in last 6 weeks with oneor other of them - i think i must be over-reacting about some things - they love me down the vets mind !

any thoughts/past experiences anyone ?


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I dont think you over-reacted at all because had one wasp managed to sting her tongue or throat it could have easily swollen and stopped her breathing.  You may be advised to do the 'distraction' modus operandi - like shaking a noisy tin or squirting dog with water but I always find I never have the object to hand just when I need it!  The only bit of comfort is that the wasp season is relatively short and it may be that next year she is that little bit older and wiser!  Can't think of a better way to spend money - as you say, vets just love us!
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Hi our dogs and cats are our best friends.  All they ask is that we look after them and that is exactly what I intend to do.  I am not a vet do not profess to be anything else than an animal lover.  Whatever the cost does not matter I love them and hopefully we all have a reciprocal agreement.  Cost does not come into it.

Take for instance the fact that the Basset cannot stand anyone or anything cutting his claws and which grow huge.  Its in his genes and he has been like this all of his life.  The end result is unfortunately the vet about four times a years with a tranquiliser and associated costs.  Does not matter what matters is the well-being of Jean-Claude for that is his name.

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I do understand what you are saying, and certainly dont disagree - normally i am quite a balanced person (I think !) but i do sometimes have a tendency to lose it where my animals are concerned and over-react - eg cat with paw cut off to vet's (couldnt bear to watch that pathetic limping!) - of course when we got to vet's cat leapt out of basket and made dive for window - vet thought i was demented.  (again!) - no sign of limping whatsover..

currently i would be more than happy with 4 times a year !    perhaps its teething problems, cat in a new environment, puppy - well being a puppy !


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Llwyncelyn, if I was your vet I would advise you to walk you basset hound on concrete for 20 minutes each day.

But then I would only earn a consultation fee and nothing else.

Vets are certainly out to make money, just like me in my profession.  The unnessary services they suggest to me for a hefty price are nothing short of being a cheek.

Excuse me I have caught grumpy old man syndrome from this forum[:D]

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[quote user="KatieKopyKat"]

Excuse me I have caught grumpy old man syndrome from this forum[:D]


Sorry, but there are a number of us who claim uncontested ownership of that sobriquet.

Please go and find your own one.

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We have two dogs, a puppy, a cat and a kitten. I love them all dearly, but I'm afraid the vets will never get rich from us. The cat has never seen a vet, the dogs rarely do, although the puppy is having his initial course of injections at present, and next visit is getting his microchip as well.

Personally I think animals are a lot tougher than we give them credit for. I think you did the right thing when your puppy was stung so much, but most flying insects are faster than the dog's reaction - so it is unlikely to catch many, although they love trying.

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I agree but i just have to get the courage to not race to the vets for every little thing - i am sure the cat's paw would have healed just as quickly as it did with that injection from vet and the spray on stuff which i couldnt anyway get near enough to him to administer after first spray!  Oh yes, and the time he was sick and off his food for a few days - ditto injection (its ALWAYS the same injection isnt it ?) - convinced really that he would have been ok.    

my french neighbour who has 7 cats and a newly acquired dog and clearly loves his animals to bits, said the cats only go to vets for serious things; other than that he has a cupboard full of 'home cures' for them!    seems to  work.

you are right about flying insects too - i think she just got lucky (or unlucky!) as she hasnt actually got very near one since, and not through want of trying either !

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