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Dogs on the beach

mad mike

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I have no idea, some beaches say no dogs but you will always get one that thinks the rule does not apply to their pooch.

if you are planning to use a beach and take your dog, please, please, please ensure you clean its doda away , if there isn`t a sign that says no dogs.

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There are dog bans in holiday times but no one really takes any notice here.  We always clean up but have NEVER seen a French person do that anywhere.  Once when ours was on the beach on leash, there was a dog bothering us. The beach was practically empty and this old bag came up and said " DOGS ON LEASHES "  but I didn't see her telling the french owner of the other dog and there were no signs.  I think that the rule stands without the signs and if there are many people on the beach just go find a more remote one. It seems cruel not to be able to let the dog have some fun when it is really hot but we don't let ours bother anyone.


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Last week, while enjoying a few days R & R, I found an area of beach not displaying "No Dogs" signs.

Unleashed trusty mutt and within a few metres she was down and rolling on something nasty - a used s**t filled disposable nappy.

After a visit to the oggin to wash mutt, I was disgusted at the amount of broken glass that was also evident.

So yes Wen, I agree with you entirely - keep the darn things off the beaches altogether, kids in nappies and anyone else that can't clean up after themselves that is!

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Last month we sat on our local  beach watching a golden labrador in the sea trying to go after a ball that a couple of lads were throwing to each other. It was not their dog so they were not bothered by this fast exhausting animal  swimming back and forth between them . The dog owners  a French family seemed quite happy to watch this dog knacker itself and get  chucked about by the waves ...totally irresponsible ....I have had dogs but never taken them on beaches during the summer hols.....would you want  some wet animal shaking  itself alongside you while you tan .. I say dogs off beaches in the summer  ....in the winter OK

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                                        Holly's Beach Guide for Dogs


                                        Les plages qui acceptent les chiens en France

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