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U.S. Pet Food Recall


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I don't know if any of you have been following the scary events of the major pet food scandal in the U.S.  To make a long story short, a factory which manufactures pet food for many, many pet food companies use this bigger company.  To date the official toll is 14 dead pets, but no one knows for sure how many have actually died.  So far it has been limited to the type of wet food sold in pouches.

However, some reports are starting to come in that there may be dried foods affected as well.  The culprit at this time appears to be a type of rat poison that is not approved for use in the U.S., but which is used elsewhere and contaminated some wheat gluten that was imported from China, although they are not 100% certain that that is the culprit.

I use a food imported from the U.S. via Germany.  Both of my dogs have been ill this weekend with different symptoms.  I have no idea if their food is responsible or not, but I do have a call scheduled with the pet food company in the U.S. tonight. 

It is important for us all to remember that contamination CAN occur in pet foods (as it can in human foods) and we should always be on the lookout for unusual symptoms and behaviours in our pets!


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Thanks, WJT. I do blame myself because both dogs were rejecting the most recent bag of food.  Now, Maggie has done this before, but Shmoo eats EVERYTHING!  When he started leaving food, I was surprised.  I assumed that they were just being "fussy." Now, of course, I'm seeing it in a new light.  Clearly, the taste was "off" and that's why they wouldn't eat it.

A good lesson that I'm glad hasn't had worse consequences!  Both seem to be recovering at the moment.

I should add that I have been very pleased by the quick response I've had from the pet food company.  They replied to my email immediately and requested a phone conversation.  I'll call them later today (they're in the Midwest US, so a 7 hour time difference) and see what they have to say.

No wonder my hair is going grey at such a rapid rate!


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Yes I heard this and the pet food company make a number of different brands.  Fortunately for us, we feed a raw meat and bone diet so this isn't an issue but it must be very scarey for those who do feed kibble and wet food.

Glad to hear the dogs are recovering well.

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PG - I had no idea you ordered your pet food from the States.  I know Maggie has a weak tummy, but I didn't realize she ate U.S. doggie food.  You might have told me, but it didn't register.  No wonder you are so worried.  The fact that they both got ill at the same time is really odd to me.  I just figured they both sniffed at something when they were out on walks. 

Our boy eats dry Royal Canin Adult Medium.  So far so good.  It is scary when we think of the possibilites that could affect the food chain - human or otherwise.

Are they eating today?  I mean the home cooked food you were planning to prepare?

Good luck with the phone call.  I hope it will put your mind at ease.


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Thanks, Lori.

I really think the problem is the European Distributor.  She seems very nice, but a bit on the flaky side.  The bag that seems to have made them sick had been opened, then resealed.  I didn't worry about it too much, although in retrospect I should have.  I certainly would have never fed it in the U.S., but it's such a problem when you are mail ordering between two countries!  And, she's not the world's greatest correspondent to boot.

I spoke with someone at the company today who said that as much as he hated to say it, I should throw both the other bags out (that's 100€ of food!! ), and I'm going to do it because it's cheaper than the vet and the heartache if something happens to them.  At least they now have a file on me and if it proves to be their food, perhaps it will help to save someone else's dog.

Meanwhile, both are doing much better today.  They are enjoying their chicken and rice and I suppose I will be cooking for them for the forseeable future, something I really hoped to avoid.  I have found another company that sells dried vegetable mixes (manufactured in Europe) that you add to your own meat and grain (if you use grain).  I've ordered a small bag to try, because at least that will make one part of the process easier.

I would love to find another solution.  I was very happy with this food until now, but I just don't want to buy it from the same source.  I really wish there was another choice.


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