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With Deep Regret! UPDATE!


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I sincerely hope she does have happy thoughts from now on. Although she is just standing outside in a flippin awful storm we are having at the moment. Oh my god! I just hope she doesn't shrink otherwise my bum is going to look big in this hee hee!!!!


I will give her a big kiss from you, it is definately something to have her and I am just glad I was in a position to save her from the flippin salami factory!! I really do hope my baby Morse is looking down on us and giving us his blessing(flippin heck now I'm crying again!). Hopefully we will have many many years together especially as she is only 8 and apparently their average age is 27 so fingers crossed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As some of you know I had to have my beloved Morse(9yr old GSD) put to sleep a little over 2 weeks ago, never to be forgotten. Also that I had rescued a Percheron(8yr old Mare) at that time. Well Just like to give you a quick update on her and show you some piccies.

Please excuse her mane she still won't let me do anything with it!! Although she will now allow me to stroke her all over and she will stand there for over an hour having that done and whilst I'm doing it her bottom lip wobbles and she just sighs, hope that's with contentment!

I just love her more and more just hope she is feeling the same.

Especially as we visited a local heavy horse working farm (french owned and managed) were they work the horses on the farm and do displays during the summer months! We were told whilst there that out of the 800(approx) Percheron foals born in France this year that ONLY 10% will NOT end up as MEAT thats just 80 out of the 800!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, my heart bleeds!







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Hoddy, Thanks for that! have to say I still can't quite believe she is here and belongs to me, lol

Christine, I have to agree the statistics are awful. It is such a shame especially as most of the ones for meat(bred in France) are not even slaughtered in France but in Italy!!(more money!) There is a campaign for meat on hook not on hoof with the ILPH hopefully someone will listen and stop this live export in horrifc conditions.

Will keep you all updated as to Lancia's progress. In the meantime take care and enjoy this beautiful weather we're having at the mo.

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Hello Morse

Great photos , Oh how I would love to open my back door and walk over to my horses field , what a loverly feeling that must be. How is she getting on with coming to you ?

I think my dog must be reading my mind this morning because Im about to take her to a local lake where she loves to go, but we are meeting a friend who is camping there with her dog , I havnt told her but she is jumping up and down in impatience to go so she knows we arnt going on the normal mid week walk. I just dont want to go this early in case i wake them up !!!! Hope you have a great day


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Morse98, she is so lovely and as others have said I am so happy for you both. Please do keep us posted and let us know how she gets on and would love to see photos in the future with her eyes smiling. [:)]

P.S.  Regarding the statistics of these wonderful horses being treated so cruelly my heart bleeds as well. I do hope the French and Italians will do something soon about this horrific situation. [:(]

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Pads, Too right! it is a wonderful feeling just going out there however even better I can see her from my office window! so I can open the window and just talk to her from there. To let you know how she is doing with coming to me, well she calls to me everytime she sees me and comes straight up which is such a wonderful feeling! I can't believe the progress in just 2weeks, bless her heart! Although she still won't let me pick he feet up, can't expect too much though.

Hope you had a wonderful walk especially in the lovely weather we're having at the moment. It's amazing how they just know isn't it when things are slightly different!


WJT, Glad you liked the piccies and will keep you all updated.  I agree the statistics are dreadful! We are campaigning to try and change this however we are fighting a culture which is always difficult! However I am not against breeding for meat per se! however I do think there should be more regulations for the movement of these animals and how they are treated during the time they are raised!!!

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