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Birth control pills for cats.....


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I do not want the stray that has deposited three healthy kittens with me to get pregnant again. The SPA frightened me by saying she could get pregnant as soon as she stops feeding them.  Well she is feeding them on and off and they are eating kitten food as well? Quandry....can I give her the cat 'pill' now or could it affect the kittens in any way?  Thanks

p.s. we call her Spitfire, as she is tiny and when she arrived all she would do was spit at our thankfully docile large dog.

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Hi Val D'Ouest, certainly,  it is called Megepil Chat in a pink packet - 'comprimes anti-chaleur' in case you have to ask for it over the counter in pharmacies.  Cost 5.70 euros for 6 month supply, one tiny tablet (5mg) is given every two weeks and the pack includes a chart to record this on!!!  Memories of ovulation charts   LOL !!  I think this is cheap and I have to do it really until I make sure the cat is not owned by someone.  My guess though is that visitors in the village adopted her while on holiday and abandonned her at the end of their holiday, this happens so much here. 

Today I put up two posters,  one in case I can find the owner of the cat and another to try and find homes for the cute little things.

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My semi-adopted cat has been on the same pill for the last 18 months without any apparent problem.

I think it contains something appealing to cats, as she loves taking it and  would have more if I let her!

I did pay around € 8 for the last pack though...[:@]

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May I just say that although the cat pill is simple way of keeping the kittens at bay it should really only be a temporary method of contraception as it can cause tumours and cancer when taken for a long time.  It's better if you sterilise the cat.  I understand that some of you have feline visitors who aren't yours but do keep this in mind.  I have 4 females and after each one had a litter I had them sterilised. 

It's quite expensive but  the vet here does a package deal if you have a few done at the same time. 

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Having had well over 20 (probably nearer 30) feral and semi-feral cats sterilised, then yes, a good and responsible vet will certainly do a special deal. I can't remember exactly what we have paid as the last one was some time ago, but it's certainly a better solution for the cats as well as your pocket than long-term use of contraceptive pills.

Our vet gave us some tranquiliser to put in the food we put out for the cats, which allowed them to be caught (still rather reluctantly in some cases). The main limitation was the fact that the vet could only do three females, or five males, or a suitable combination of both, per session. She was also prepared to abort unborn kittens found in the operation; some vets will not operate if they think the cat might be pregnant. This also contributed to keeping down numbers - I think on one day she found 13 kittens in three females. If the cat was pregnant the vet did a full hysterectomy (more expensive), otherwise just the ovaries were removed. I think that was just the way she works; other vets will have their own preferences.


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The SPA down here will do a special price for sterilisation of 50 euros if of course you agree to keep the cat.  I already have 8 cats, all rescued and all sterilised and I will try my hardest to rehome these before I take them to the SPA. 

I want to take the mum to the vet when I take my stray dog to have her stitches out on Wednesday, the kittens are about 5 weeks old, do you think I can take her away for a whole day yet to go to the vet??? It is quite important as one of her nipples is very inflamed, could be mastitis I suppose.

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I want to take the mum to the vet when I take my stray dog to have her stitches out on Wednesday, the kittens are about 5 weeks old, do you think I can take her away for a whole day yet to go to the vet??? It is quite important as one of her nipples is very inflamed, could be mastitis I suppose.




I do it all the time when I get them sterilised.  They'll be fine without her and at 5 weeks old you could even give them some watered down milk if you think they are hungry.

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