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Ok, so it had to happen! I fell instantly in love with one of my foster boys, Luca, and have now adopted him. My husband said it would happen but even he couldn't resist. Anyway, I thought i'd introduce you to Luca, our 11 month old podenco cross.

A round of applause please.......







I know i'm biased but really, that last photo of Luca and Hugo in the car after a swim in the lake just makes me go all gooey!

Thanks everyone for your support in helping me find new homes for these dogs. Just knowing that i'm not the only one out there mad about their own and others animals just keeps me going.


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Hey Moonraker

What breed is your pooch? He/she looks just like Luca. We think Luca is cross podenco and galga.

Thanks for your kind words everyone. I've been out with Luca doing a bit of training with him today as he's terrified of everyone and everything. So, he's met the neighbours, met some horses and crossed a very busy road and all of the time he was shaking from head-to-toe but we've got to start somewhere haven't we? I think he'll do just fine but I  don't think it'll be a quick fix. Quite the opposite actually. Oh well, time i've got! xx


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He's a cross Portuguese podenco and unknown! He spent two years in kennels in Spain before he was rescued by Passion Lévriers. I've been clicker training him and he's a fast learner; scared stiff of male humans except the family ones but soon comes round. He used to go crazy on walks if a car passed us but is now doing very well; just a couple of huge dogs scare him but we cross the road before we get to their house! He's great with my two Yorkies and three cats so really can't complain.

He had a big bald patch on his neck where his ID medal rubbed so I had a house collar made with no metal in it here http://www.kitschcollars.com/  and a plastic ID tab; just use the real collar for walks.


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That website's fab. I've put it into my favourites in case i'm feeling flush. Whereabouts are you in 33 Moonraker? The reason I ask is because i'd like someone to show me how to clicker train my dogs (and my husband if that's at all possible). I'm 45 minutes from Bordeaux. How about you? And if you're close enough would you consider showing me how to use one? I'd bring cake!!!

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I would also love to learn some clicker training on a husband !   [:P]   All dogs are wonderful, but these podencos, galgos, etc. are marvellous dogs.  We have had some in the past and, as I've already said, would have more if it weren't for all the others who also need rescuing.  We are all doing our bit, that's what counts.


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Yes, well done Magnolia! Luca looks fab and can't wait to meet him when you come over. I've never heard of clickers and would like to try the clicker training with our Roqui, with the aim of eventually getting him to come to us when he's off leash! Does anyone know if you can buy the clickers in pet shops in France?
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Oh dear Christine I was hoping no-one was going to ask that question! Well, the answer's no but not because of Luca. My husband and I have a B&B here in the Charente-Maritime and life is proving a little difficult having guests and traumatized dogs who are sometimes not house-trained. Well, when Luca came along who was a perfect companian for Hugo, Marmite and Socks I desperately wanted to keep him but the condition with my husband was that we stop the fostering. However, this is a temporary thing!!! Our house is for sale so once we've settled in the Pyrenees I shall start up again. I haven't stopped working with L'Europe des Levriers as I spend half my day perusing all the sites looking for people who want a dog and I also help with finding homes for the existing dogs like Joy. Also, i'm hoping to have a coffee and cake afternoon here when the weather's a bit better (if we're still here) and get more info our about the charity. So, my work hasn't ceased and i don't think it ever will now. I've found something that fulfills me and each morning I get up looking forward to the challenge of doing something good for these dogs.

So if there's anyone out there who fancies fostering, adopting, fund-raising, making coats for the dogs (I have a pattern) or even just a bit of advertising, I can get stuff to you or just drop me a line to have a chat. You can even come visit (with your dogs of course) and i'll ensure there's cake on the table waiting for you!



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Where abouts are you Athene? I'm in Léoville on the road between Jonzac & Chevanceaux. Are you close by?

I've started the whistle with Luca this week and he seems to love it. My neighbour caught me crouching behind a tree whilst blowing the whistle and he thought that i'd lost the plot! [:$]  Well, he's not far wrong!! [8-)] Where did you get your clicker from?


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