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I'm so sad ...


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Oh thanks to both of you for your nice messages..

Platon is still here with us, and he leads his slow peaceful little life...

The vet called last week  ( yes), and he said he was very very happy the cat was doing fine, that it was almost a miracle..  [:)]

My son says " what if he was eternal??" [:D]  He adds" In his life, he s been bitten by a snake + operated cos of the infection that followed, bitten by a big rat, ( had stitches) , ran over by a car ( broken hips) , he has diabetes, kidney problems, and he s still here with us !!" [:D][:D][:D]


It makes us really happy.

xx   Régine.

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Oh yes, I'm absolutely sure about that..

Do you know the first thing he did when we brought him back?  He went to go and get his friend " Calin" , the neighbours' cat .. Both came back to our place .. they are ALWAYS together, a real friendship!!


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Oh Frenchie...how very, very sad and how animals get under our skin. Just ten days before we were coming here to live and with his little pet passport all ready, our precious, darling Boxer dog aged only six years just collapsed and died. He was in kennels at the time as we were away saying goodbye to family so we were not there with him at the end. That was almost eighteen months ago and I still cry for him now and again although we still have our old dog and a gorgeous French rescue Labrador. They say time is a great healer and eventually you will smile when you remember all the lovely memories. Always remember LF friends are always there for you.
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[quote user="valB"]Oh Frenchie...how very, very sad and how animals get under our skin. Just ten days before we were coming here to live and with his little pet passport all ready, our precious, darling Boxer dog aged only six years just collapsed and died. He was in kennels at the time as we were away saying goodbye to family so we were not there with him at the end. That was almost eighteen months ago and I still cry for him now and again although we still have our old dog and a gorgeous French rescue Labrador. They say time is a great healer and eventually you will smile when you remember all the lovely memories. Always remember LF friends are always there for you.[/quote]

Oh I'm so sorry for you.. How unfair ... What happened ? did you get to know WHY he died so young ?

My heart goes out to you..  Yes, pets become members of a family...

We were really lucky since our lovely Platon ( cat) is still with us.. if you read the posts above you ll see it is a real miracle...

Give a big cuddle to your other pets from us.

Warm regards, Régine. 

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Bomjour Regine


I am so pleased to hear that your little fellow is more settled now that he is back home with you...give hin a big cuddle from me. Our boxer died of a condition that is qiute common with "barrel chested animals" and it can also happen to horses as well. Apparently, the stomach starts rotating and it twists other organs and cuts of the blood supply very quickly and very little can be done, that is what we were told. He died in the car of the owners of the kennels on the way to our vet and the vet told them that even if he had made it to the vet it would have been unlikely that he could have been saved. The only way for him to have survived would have been if it had happened in the vets surgery and they could have operated immediately. I know my husband would dearly love another boxer as we have had boxer dogs for many, many years and our first one lived for eleven years. I did try to find a boxer rescue here in France but with no luck and as I mentioned we "adopted " our Labrador. Maybe when our very old cocker spaniel bitch leaves us and hopefully not for a while yet, although she is thirteen, deaf and has bad eyesight she is still quite sprightly, maybe then we may try to find another boxer who needs a home as ALL our animals over the years have been rescue.  Wishing you all the best with your little Platon

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Frenchie


Doesn't he look so cute!!!  When you think that you could have had him put to sleep (was it nearly 6 weeks ago now???), think of what he has given you and your son and what you both have given him.  I am so happy to see this beautiful picture and hope to see more in the weeks to come.


I think "SURVIOUR" is a good name and hope to see more pics in the coming months.


Purr Purr Miawo



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Thanks for this nice message .. Oh yes, we ve had him for quite a few weeks now....

That s what I was saying to Guillaume ( my son) yesterday " when you think he could have been put to sleep some weeks ago .. what a shame it would have been !! " 

I ve had several cats up to now, he s the sweetest I ve ever had ..        [:)]

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my dear i'm so so sorry for your trauma.  dont forget that your lovely little puss has had the best life you could ever give him and given him so much love, this must be the final and biggest act of love.  if the worst happens dont be afraid  you can hold him in your arms the vet will use a small pair of scissors to cut alittle fur from one leg to allow the needle to be passed properly into a vien.  a very small needle will then be introduced and a lethal amount of aneasthetic will be administered instantly and painlessly stopping your beloved's heart and brain activity, he will painlessly, gently and very quickly slip away to the beyond.  please understand that it will be very quick, sometimes people are aliitle shocked.  dont be. 

loads of love to you, be brave

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Thanks a lot..  Now we ve thought about it, we know and we are prepared, mainly thanks to all the lovely people who answered on here when we were really low and sad...

Now the cat s still with us, he s fine for the moment, but we know he s having a bonus.. I don't know how long it will be, but every day is a joy to have him with us.

We ll be with him til his last breath, yes. MERCI for your nice post . XXX

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Hi Frenchie and Guillaume,

So great to see Platon looking well and happy.  Survivor is a good name for him! Animals will always surprise you-your love is keeping him going.

I hope you have many more happy relaxed days with him-enjoy every one.


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