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Snake bitten dog


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Soddengomorrah, ten years in mamba, puff adder and boemslang country and a mother in law like the inland taipan, never a problem, then what happens? At 1300hrs precisely Destroyer finally taunts a vipère into biting him. Silly soddle. Anyway, somewhat hasty drive to the vert and cortizone injection plus pills for a few days. Muzzle the size of a football. There is no anti-venin anymore.  And as soon as we get back he goes straight to the same place....

Watch out for unaccountable barking guys.

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Thanks Christine.

The thought of a dog based mishoui springs to mind again and again. It was his own fault, he proviked the animal.

He was at the vets in less than ten minutes which wasnt bad considering the distance, roadworks and one very startled tractor driver. He seems ok for the moment though, but must watch for anaphalactic shock, says the vet, which can come up to a week later.

However, the snake was quite small.

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Snap!  My doesy rescue pup got hold of a huge Green lizard today, the lizard was in the lounge (how the hell it got there I do not know...) anyway it didn't bite her thank goodness I was only aware of the danger form these lovely creatures by reading something on here, anyway I was able to catch it with the barbecue tongs and put it outside where yes the stupid dog is now hunting it down!    Hope your pooch goes on OK.
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Frankly, where you are there probably isn't much hope and the snout if the worst place to get bitten. Ask the vet if there is a kit you can carry with anti-venom but I doubt you'd know what type of snake it was anyway.

Mostly though dogs seem to get away with not being bitten and most snakes don't look for trouble that much, though some say tha mambas do. Just trust to luck I guess.

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Your wee dog was lucky you were there - a friend's dog was bitten on the tongue just over a week ago and didn't make it...

You say there isn't any more anti venin - are they not issuing it or what????

I thought mambas would slither after their victims? 

Nice to hear a happy ending ! [:D]

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Wooly, Chris pp advised me some time back that they no longer use any sort of antidote.  Just off to the vet for?  I'm not sure, antihistamine perhaps and painkillers.

Keep animal quiet if pos and watch for any adverse symptoms.

Hope he makes a quick recovery.  Well done, Wooly, for acting so swiftly and decisively.  What sort of a snake was it?  Can you describe it so that I'd know it if I saw one?

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Anti venom will normally only be used for humans when there is an extreme reaction to the venom, large quantities of  fluid build up that affect the brain or spine, anaphylactic shock etc. The use of anti venom in itself is not always a good thing and will be avoided if possible.

The problem with mouth and neck bites is that the swelling can block the airways. First 48 hours are reckoned to be the danger period, after that has passed safely there should be no problem. Remember that infection is probably of more concern.


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please send me at least 14 of those snakes.We have a moron over the way with at least 14 barn captive chasse dogsNoise is unbelievable at very odd times of the night Believe the cretin has an automatic feeder,which occasionally sticks.Just would love to throw over 14 boomslangs-preferably into the morons bedroom!!!!!!!Maude.

Sorry about your dog-hope a full recovery is in hand!

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