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Leaving dogs in cars


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We have recently been told that it is illegal in France to leave our dog in the car whilst we pop into the supemarket. We usually leave her with a couple of windows open and would not consider doing it if it was hot unless the car was in the shade and she had some water. Does anyone know whether this is true?



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[quote user="JohnandCaroline"]

We have recently been told that it is illegal in France to leave our dog in the car whilst we pop into the supemarket. We usually leave her with a couple of windows open and would not consider doing it if it was hot unless the car was in the shade and she had some water. Does anyone know whether this is true? [/quote]

My advice is don't do it anyway.  My mother-in-law lost her dog this way in the 1960s.  She never got over the guilt.

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Did you guys hear about the police officer in the UK who left his two dogs in the car while he poped into the office during the UK heatwave a while back, when he came back he found them both dead.  I lost my dog about two months ago due to taking her swimming when the water was colder than the outside, she went into shock, drowned 3hrs later, I'll never get over it.  Personally, I go shopping about 8:30 in the morning, it's easier on everybody, I NEVER take my dog in the car after 11am.....he gets hosed down with the garden hose during the day, and I walk him to the Rhone to go for a swim (even though it's dirty), my springer loves it. 

I have in the past taken my dog to the supermarket with me, I always found shaded areas, the side of an intermarche building does fine, even though I've had a few members of staff tell me that I can't park there, I just did.....I explained I had a dog, it's logical. 

I do not know if I could live with myself if I lost Rex because I took him to the supermarket with me in this heat. 

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Never mind the legalities, just DON'T leave a dog in the car in the hot summer weather.

Many of the bigger supermarkets allow you to take your pooch just inside the doors before you go through the entrance 'gates', so if you go shopping as a couple one of you can lurk in the air-conned entrance whilst the other shops. OR the other stays with the dog in a shady spot, out of the car, with the mutt. Or simply leave the dog at home in the cool.

Death by overheating is one of the most painful, distresssing deaths a dog can suffer, never mind your guilt if you let it happen.

I'm a puppywalker for guide dogs, so I can take my pup wearing his/her uniform into shops, but in this hot weather I only train before 11am (at the latest). Even in a car with aircon, the vehicle gets hot when left in the car park and the dog gets too hot and bothered walking on the tarmac and waiting as I load shopping. I never do town centre training, or visit markets or fairs with the pup when it's hot - have you tried walking barefoot on the pavements in hot weather? Think of the dog's paws! And their bodies and vital organs are closer to the ground than ours so they suffer more quickly from the rising heat.

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It dosnt matter if the windows are open or not when the car is stationary in the heat its still much hotter inside the car than out

A car is a tin can that becomes an oven .... even if they can stick their head out of the window the body is still cooking !!

Dont do it !!
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  • 2 weeks later...
[quote user="glacier1"]Did you guys hear about the police officer in the UK who left his two dogs in the car while he poped into the office during the UK heatwave a while back, when he came back he found them both dead.


That was in Nottingham, the police officer has now been prosecuted and given a custodial sentence. He was apparently absolutely devastated.

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