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How do you get a urine sample from a cat?


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I've achieved this but only with a cat which is used to a litter tray.  I left his tray in the usual place but with no litter in it and he used it!  Then I just poured the contents into a little jar.  But I'm not sure it would have worked with every cat I've owned as they'd probably have rebelled at an empty tray and peed on the carpet....
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Crickey.  I wouldn't know how to get one from a dog let alone a cat.

Rose:  I.m pretty certain there was a thread on this sometime ago.  I can't find it yet.

This thread does mention about dogs even if it is about people at first.  http://www.completefrance.com/cs/forums/1701785/ShowPost.aspx

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[quote user="Will"]Are you taking the p***?

(sorry, I'll get my coat now)


[:D] thank you for all your suggestions and comments (including your's Will)... He doesn't use a litter tray and short of following him around and seeing where he goes we've decided that we're not going to try... he has some tablets and had a couple of injections at the vet and he already seems much happier... We'll see how he goes for a couple of days and if there's no improvement then maybe we'll have to resort to some of these ideas... or maybe the vet was just having a little chuckle at the thought of us trying

Years ago in the UK we kept geese and they developed an eye infections... the vet there asked us to catch them and bring them in... it was highly amusing watching greyman chasing them around the field with a blanket trying to catch them... needless to say he didn't and we paid for a home visit [:D]

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