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Bitten by sanglier


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Hi everyone

During our evening walk my small terrier (12kg) came across a sanglier, whom he decided was fair game. Inevitable result. The bite is not bad but close to his mouth, and quite deep.It has stopped bleeding and I have disinfected it with TCP.

Should I do anything else please? Should he go to the vet?

He is vaccinated against all the usual, plus rabies.


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Hi Rowan - I would give the vet a call and in the meantime keep an eye on the wound for swelling as it's near the mouth, keep it disinfected and also watch if the the dog starts a fever of any sort or generally appears lethargic.  Think the dog got off lightly as these wild boar can do serious damage but tetanus might be in order which is why the vet should know.  Hope he'she is ok.  See you later!

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Hi All

Called the vet, who said to keep an eye out for swelling or infection, but otherwise shouldn't be a problem. Scout seems fine today, but I will watch him closely.

I know it was probably a joke, to ask how the sanglier was, but it did occur to me, too. I am sure Scout didn't do any damage, but ultimately the sanglier has to fend for itself, without me to disinfect any wounds and cuddle it (!!), so I am hoping he was unhurt.

Thanks for your responses, all. And yes, see you soon Merlin! Can't wait to see Molly on her way to safety!



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