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We have just brought our two cats to live in France from the UK, we have a gravel drive and wood chippings so no grass for them to eat, will the weeds they are trying to eat harmful I have grown some cat grass for them but they don't like it, your thoughts please.

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We have grass growing in a tub for our indoor cats. Two tubs on the go, one outside to recover and one indoors in the verandah. I just tidy up the one going outside with scissors and give a little general liquid feed. Before bringing in the one outside is hosed off well. Several weeks between swap overs and no chemicals on the one outside except an initial feed. We used ordinary lawn seed to start them off and the cats seem happy with this arrangement.....................JR 

PS The vet's advice was to have grass available so they could eat it if feeling unwell to help them vomit. Our older cats used to eat it quite often but then they were not very well frequently. Younger, healthier cats might not want it so much!

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