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National Parks - Dog Access?


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[quote user="Pads"]Does that mean the people who live there cant have dogs ?  [/quote]

No, it doesn't mean that. The ref given by Christine Animal is a summary for visitors. You can live within the parc boundary with pets, but they can't go out and about into the heart of the parc even on a lead. Each parc has detailed rules regarding working farm dogs and hunting dogs, and when (as in which season) and where they can go.

Access for assistance dogs (guide dogs etc) is also limited, assistance dog owners are advised to contact the management of the parc concerned for detailed info. before they visit.

In regional parcs and nature reserves you need to check out local signs before going walkies with your canine companions.

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[quote user="dessiedog"]Not the answer I wanted but probably what I expected!

Pity as the Pyrry Knees was where I had in mind. He'll just have to stay at home, lying on the bed of course.

Thanks for the very prompt replies[/quote]

I understand it's probably not what you want, you'd rather have him with you, but if you google you'll find that there are kennels which will keep your mutt whilst you go walkies. Try 'garderie chien pyrenees parc national' or the local tourist offices or Mairies


En vallée de Cauterets, pension pour chiens "le Berger" Tél. 05 62 92 04 80

En vallée de Luz-Gavarnie, garderie pour chiens à Gèdre Tél.

En vallée d'Aure, box pour chiens à la Réserve Naturelle du Néouvielle à Orédon en été, renseignements Mairie d'Aragnouet Tél. 05 62 39 62 63

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