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" hurler à la mort "


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We have exactly the same problem according to our neighbours.We have a large cross lab. 9 months old  .We are now feeling we have to take him whenever we go out, which is a bit of a pain as he has to be then left in the back of a small car with the windows open.One neighbour suggested a muzzle another a special collar which they apparently use on the chiens de Chasse.We consider both to be methods to be  cruel. Is there some answer?

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There have been reports about this in the press in the UK in the quite recent past. Many dogs are very very unhappy when they are left, and most owners do not realise. No idea what one does about it though. Sad for dogs though. I suppose that they like living in a pack and need companionship. I know, not always possible either, have more than one.
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Having more than one dog doesn't always sort the problem IMO.

I had 2 rescued dogs when the third one came along. It coincided with Bill returning to the UK but I ended up having to find a home for the Labrador, partly because he missed Bill's company, but partly because he was intimidated by the new arrival. She is only tiny bu quite dominant, as a lot of small dogs are.

Now we only have the third and she pines and howls for me when I'm not around. Bill is a poor substitute as far as she's concerned. When I'm here, she follows me round like a shadow, and is gently snoring as I write, but if I was to stir, she would be up on her feet and ready to follow where ever I go. I know very well that if we got another, she would misbehave as she did before.

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I got two dogs !! ( look carefully , on the pic I ve posted, you can see tiny Jack as well [:)] ) .

They get on well, and Shadow is now almost 6. he's used to staying alone when I go to work or when I go shopping, etc..

I have a job that allows me to work partly from home ( teacher) , so he is not left alone too much.

He's never liked being left alone. But he didn't use to howl when I go away. this has started recently.

He never destroys anything in the house while I'm away. ( I know some dogs do.) 

His behaviour , when I'm home, is exactly the same as the one Judy described : he follows me like a .. shadow ( was I clairvoyante when I named him ?? [:)] )

He doesn't disturb anyone as I have double glazing and the neighbours are not so close, and most work .

it's just that I love my dogs and I don't like the idea of them being sad. [:(]

I've heard about pheromone collars.    ?

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I am sat here giggling, as I clicked on the photo and saw the other dog and said out loud, 'ah WOW!'

 Sans mes lunettes I cannot see another dog on the little photo, and even with them on I cannot tell what is next to the lab.


A problem then. Our neighbours lab used to bark at lot when they weren't there. We weren't that close, but when outside, we could here the poor fella.

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When we have to both go out together I have a chat with our border collie before we go. I tell her she has to "garde la maison" while we're away, and we won't be long.

She seems to accept this, though doesn't look too happy about it.

At one time she used to follow us at full speed, but doesn't now (fingers crossed.)

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DAP products can help as they release pheromone. This is a link for the collar but you can also get a "plug in" diffuser which releases it into the room.


Or you could try a few drops of Bach Rescue Remedy in the drinking water, available in either pharmacies or health stores across France, which can also help calm stressed dogs.

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