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I am fairly sure that this has been mentioned on here before, but I cannot remember when, or I find the post.

Does anyone know of a spray that will dissuade cats from scratching carpets or furniture.


Just cat nipping where I don't mind him scratching hasn't worked so far.

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I purchased something in 'Pets at home' in the Uk as my cat shredded the side of the settee. It is bascially double sided clear strips which were A4 size in length and probably about 6 inches wide.

You stick them to the furniture and they can't be seen. The cat doesnt like it because they are sticky. They are fantastic, cat has never again touched the settee
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I bought a new wool rug yesterday and 20 minutes later when I went to sit down in the room I had put it in, he had been scratching it so aggresively that I picked up a palm full of wool. I have rolled this rug until I find something to dissuade him. Sticky won't be any good for a rug unfortunately.

As he has devasted about a further 100 places on the wool carpet that runs through the house, I think that this time, he can give the new rug a rest.

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Provide somewhere where he can actually scratch - maybe several.  There are twine covered posts and scratch pads for that.

This unfortunately has to be backed up with a water pistol for the areas where he is not allowed to scratch.  He will learn but it might take time

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In the UK I bought a product called "Pet behave spray" it was used to stop dogs piddling where they shouldn't and cats scratching. I used it where our cat used to scratch the carpet by the door when she wanted to go upstairs. It worked a treat. Doesn't smell very nice but that fades for us but she could still smell it for a good while longer. I used it on the settee too and she never touched that. Wilkinsons used to stock it.
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thankyou, I'll have to go and have a look and see what is on the market.

A waterpistol. Well I can see us having a war on. He is a very stroppy cat and doesn't like being told what he can and cannot do. I can see him being rather annoyed with us if we spray him,  very annoyed will be an understatement.


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Yup.  He will be very annoyed, but provided you do it only when he is actually scratching where he shouldn't he will quickly get the message.


Sorry if it sounds a bit cruel, but basicly he has to get annoyed to get the message.  Or put another way, if he enjoyed it it would encourage hime to scratch even more.

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They do say if you use the water pistol method to make sure he doesn't see it's you spraying him as he will associate the bad feeling with you.  Any one know a good army surplus store for some fatigues[Www][Www] Can just picture you lurking behind the sofa[:D]

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Me lurking, I shouted at him two days ago and he decided to 'hunt' me. He'd hide and then run out and tap my ankle and run off. That is all well and good, but on the stairs for example it is dangerous, not that he understands that. He tired himself out and went and curled up in the sun and seemed to have forgiven me by the time he had woken up.

A friend said to get rid of the cat,but actually, he is the only truly sane being in this household and he does us all good.

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Well I bought a product and sprayed the carpet. It smelt like citronelle to me. The girl at the pet shop had assured me that cats didn't like the smell.


Cats being cats and a law unto themselves, ours appears to like the smell and sniffed and started scratching even more. My new rug is rolled up and I don't know what to do now.

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I am loathe to use the water pistol. We used it on the dog and it was fine, and she soon learnt, but this is a cat and cats well, they are very different creatures to dogs.

Go on..............I'll get one and I'll give it a go. And if he doesn' t like it I'll have photos taken of my mauling.[:-))]

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I think that should be qualified to say "some" cats hate citrus fruit.....an old neighbour in the UK used to put orange and lemon peel along our adjoining wall to deter our cat from going into out garden - the cat used to walk along the wall, sniff the peel, knock it off onto her side then jump down to play with it on the ground....

Fortunately the neighbour never tried anything more extreme!!


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