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house insurance

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We are now close to signing the final contract on our house and the last minute nerves are kicking in!.  We are aware that you have to have house insurance in place before this is signed and all the companies whose websites I have looked at specify that you must state the re-build costs first. We do not know what these will be as we cannot get an idea until after have purchased.  The agent has said not to worry, as the notaire will ensure that the house is insured at the time of the sale.  We are a bit concerned though as we dont know what this insurance will cover, or whether it will be a suitable policy for a holiday home left unoccupied for more than 30 days at a time.  Also, how long will we be committed for to that insurance?  Would we be better to over-insure with an agent here for a suitable policy but at least have it in place before we go?

All comments gratefully received!   

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We are taking on the existing insurance policy of the vendors - just transferring it into our names, as was recommended by the estate agent as it was the cheapest quote around..........we are completing next month and the house will be unoccupied for the remainder of the winter. Fingers crossed that this will be O.K.!
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All I can give you is our experience. We are due to complete on Nov 27th. We arranged a mortgage with Credit Agricole who also arranged the house insurance there and then. If you are financing your purchase the maybe your mortgage supplier can help? Just a thought, and good luck.
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Insurance, for any purpose, is available in any high street. If you can't visit your local high street, drop me an email and I will give you the number of an english-speaking agent who will arrange it for you over the 'phone. It is not the Notaire's responsibility to arrange insurance, it is usually left to the agent - after all, this is what you should be paying them for. Like the previous poster, we used CA on one of our purchases (mortgage too), they were by far the cheapest.

You must tell the insurance broker that the property is a holdiday home. They may impose some conditions (electricity/water turned off etc etc), but it should not be much more expensive. Let the broker guess the values for rebuilding, etc. IME, insurance is cheaper here than in the "nice" bits of the UK.

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