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My cat is turning into a pig....HELP !


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My cat keeps licking its tummy and she is gradually turning herself into a pig. She is starting to go all pink on her belly....and she does not want to stop there.

We have given her stress pills (advised by the vet) but she still likes licking her tummy. She does not seem stressed so I am not sure of the point.

I have put a collerette on her but she is really not happy wearing it.

Changed the food as well, but still likes to pull fur from her tummy.

Any other ideas on how to stop my cat transforming itself into a pig ?
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My cat over grooms his front legs. Started doing it when stressed when my husband started going away a couple of years ago. He has a thin covering of fur now but not as thick as it should be, so he is now doing it less, and OH is usually home too.

I did go to the vet and bought the anti stress stuff, which seemed to make not one iota of difference.

Our dog licked her belly until she had a bald bit and that was due to a skin allergy caused by the food she ate. That was remedied by changing her diet.

Think you need to see a vet and if your cat is like ours, will not want to go to the vets, but sometimes it is unavoidable.

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[quote user="idun"]Our dog licked her belly until she had a bald bit and that was due to a skin allergy caused by the food she ate. That was remedied by changing her diet. [/quote]

Ditto a cat we had; with a change of diet she was loads better plus her fur grew back.

Quote from a cat well-being site : There are a number of reasons why over-grooming may occur, often

in response to intense itching or pain. Probably the most common cause

is a hypersensitivity to flea saliva. Cats can also develop skin

reactions to something in their diet or a number of other substances

present in the environment.

Though some cats, especially those of a timid disposition, can lick and pull out their fur because they are overly stressed.

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We have one cat who loses fur when stressed or after stress like vet visits etc. While not being an instant solution our vet advised us to use a Feliway plug-in device.

It disperses cat feel-good pheromones and seems to be working as well as calming our other cats down when they are kept in on chasse days.
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I guess it is a stress issue...bearing in mind it keeps going to and from Tours and Paris every 3-4 weeks. Probably does not know if it is coming or going. Good job we don't live in Eymet it would probably top itself.

I will carry on with the stress pills.

The cat has also been overdosing on whiskers nibble type treats since xmas so I have stopped that as well. It could be a reaction to those.

I don't think the cat is ill Wooly because she was at the vet a month ago and everything was fine. I trust the vet. She don't look or behave ill. She don't look stressed either to be fair.

Could be those whiskers treats !!!
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Firstly our cat is very ill on those whisker type treats.

Also cats for the most part do not like change of any sort. They are more fixed in their habits than dogs. Ours would HATE being shuttled anywhere, and bringing him back to the UK was quite an ordeal for him.

In fact when we go away we have decided that a little lonlieness at home, which is his home,  is far better than a cattery, although friends do call in, check on the house and sort the cat out a couple of times a day.

must add that other friends who live away have always had to travel with their cat from it being a kitten and he is very used to it all, because it is literally part of his routine.

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