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is it ever acceptable to use disability in part of criticism

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[quote user="powerdesal"][quote user="Quillan"]

Re the article about the Guards soldier nicknamed Hoppy. I....................................[/quote]

I guess that my attempted sarcasm in respect of my comment ''How utterly disgusting for his so-called mates to call him 'hoppy'  '' was misunderstood, out of place or just plain silly.

I have served as a Regular in the RAF and as TA. I fully agree with Quillans comments above, including re Clarkson and the Office. I too tow a caravan !!!!!!

I think thats the thing, you can't understand if you have not been 'in' which why sometimes its best to do the old shoulder shrug and not say a word.

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How would Hoppy the Golliwog go down? Come to think of it, I might suggest a sort of Saga of Noggin the Nog to the BBC - perhaps entitled Hoppy the Happy Golliwog, about the trials and tribulations of a former black guardsman who lost his leg in the Iraqistan Wars, and how he coped with civilian life. Might get it sponsored by Guinness or the Centre Point Refuge.
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We've been discussing this at breakfast.  One of my fellow inmates suggested that non-handicapped people should spend a week here amongst the patients to find out what it's really like - it's quite an eye opener, I can tell you.  We could also bring back national service so that everybody had a few days in the army to find out what it's really like too. [Www]
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Spot on Coops.  I visited a friend of mine who busted his neck in a motorcycle accident (his fault, going too fast and hit a truck).  He was in Stoke Manderville for a long while.  In his ward were many quadraplegics (sp?) and those permanantly on ventilators etc. I never realised that there are so many people in such a state.  Due to amazing surgery and care, my friend was eventually able to walk out of there unaided.  An amazing experiance as the other patients were really pleased that my friend had made such a recovery, maybe seeing hope for themselves but genuine good wishes all the same.  He picked up the nickname 'Walkie Talkie' as given where he broke his neck, he should have been doing neither. He loves the nickname.

If I'm having a bad day, I think back to that visit and it suddenly puts everything in perspective.

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I too was one of the lucky ones - several skull fractures and my right leg smashed to smithereens in a car crash. It took 6 months in hospital incl. 3 months in traction. It took almost three years to be back to normal (a shorter leg and some arthritis pale into insignificance) - but being totally dependent, then coping with the stares as I went about in a wheel chair, then crutches, then sticks, as a young woman, unable to get on the bus or the tube or any escalator. Actually the stares were the worst.

In many ways I am grateful for what happened.

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[quote user="cooperlola"]We've been discussing this at breakfast.  One of my fellow inmates suggested that non-handicapped people should spend a week here amongst the patients to find out what it's really like - it's quite an eye opener, I can tell you. [/quote]

I agree Coops - spending some time is a wheelchair is a great eye opener.  It's as though people think that physically disabled means mentally incapable and they insist on talking to your companion rather than you! 

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[quote user="odile"]you have not commented Quillan. I hope you have looked at their comments.

Funny enough I have a life outside of the forum (how people have the time to post on so many different ones I don't know) and was working yesterday.

In some respects Coops was talking about a different area of disability than I and I agree with her comments. As to racism well I have a vested interest you might say which Chief knows about, I have a daughter of mixed race. I have therefore experienced racism from both sides of the fence, well three sides if you count the comments that have been made to me about conceiving a mixed race child. Does not matter how much you talk about it it will always go on. The only thing you can do is take a positive mental attitude, understand that the perpetrators are just stupid, ignorant idiots and ignore them. Its like all things in life if you don't bite the novelty soon wears off.

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[quote user="cooperlola"]We could also bring back national service so that everybody had a few days in the army to find out what it's really like too. [Www][/quote]

Good idea, teach them a bit of responsibility and manners and also massage the old unemployment figures a bit more for GB.

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[quote user="Quillan"]

[quote user="cooperlola"]We could also bring back national service so that everybody had a few days in the army to find out what it's really like too. [Www][/quote]

Good idea, teach them a bit of responsibility and manners and also massage the old unemployment figures a bit more for GB.

[/quote]I was kidding.[:-))]  (Thought I should say this before anybody got the idea I thought this was a good idea.)
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  • 2 months later...
[quote user="Quillan"]

[quote user="odile"]you have not commented Quillan. I hope you have looked at their comments.

Funny enough I have a life outside of the forum (how people have the time to post on so many different ones I don't know) and was working yesterday.

In some respects Coops was talking about a different area of disability than I and I agree with her comments. As to racism well I have a vested interest you might say which Chief knows about, I have a daughter of mixed race. I have therefore experienced racism from both sides of the fence, well three sides if you count the comments that have been made to me about conceiving a mixed race child. Does not matter how much you talk about it it will always go on. The only thing you can do is take a positive mental attitude, understand that the perpetrators are just stupid, ignorant idiots and ignore them. Its like all things in life if you don't bite the novelty soon wears off.



Here was me thinking ANGLO SAXON is mixed race...........Me I am a Celt with some Viking and Pict thrown in for good measure........Is 'mixed race' another way of saying mixed colour? .....Aren't our descendants  all supposed to be coffee coloured in the next couple of millenia...if not through breeding then through the holes in the ozone layer....... Lifes too short to make any kind of a judgement of a persons character based on their colour. Background however I think is a valid topic to discuss not in a discriminatory fashion but in order to glean an understanding of where a persons motivation comes from.

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[quote user="Quillan"]

According to this new series on TV didn't we all start out black and gradually got to white with a few stops in between?


e.g.Michael Jackson whose gradual was pdq.


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[quote user="Jo"]You're not allowed to refer to anyone as mixed race any more, apparently the new phrase is "multi heritage" [blink]

So she can't say her dad is white and her mum was black and she can't say she's of mixed race then, what a load of old rollocks. As for a heritage, she won't get on, we have spent the lot.

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