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carte d'invalidite 80%

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I filled my form in with the help of a lady at the Centre Sociale. It was put in the door of APA in December. an arrangement was made for the lady from APA to come early January but the lady at the Centre Sociale who was to translate was ill so they came 2 February instead.

Nothing was asked about our income just what I can manage to do. I was told that I can have someone to come and do the housework; we want them twice a week but the APA lady thinks it should be more. Adaptations to the house like a stair lift, a a buzzer to wear to call for assistance. My husband looks after my personal needs so that isn't a problem as such. I need things to help me prepare meals and to eat. The ladies are coming back in a couple of weeks with an occupational therapist to discuss in greater detail what I can have.

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Hi Burgundy Maid. You seem to have some very helpful people at your CS. I collected a dossier from the Mairie. If I have difficulty filling it in I will go to our CS for help.

With reference to the occupational therapist. I would be interested to know how that works out for you. Good luck.


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  • 1 month later...
Hi, i am just in the process of filling the forms in for the renewal of APA, we have had it for 3 years, in the forms you have to put down what money you receive, i.e, pensions and any other income, also what money you have as capital, and what interest you get. The only thing i have to do now is take the form for the doctor to fill in. The APA pays for somebody to come in for 3 hours a week to clean and keep an eye on my husband, and a tele-alarm system that is connected to an operator so that he can call up to 4 phone numbers, the last one being the pompiers. We pay about 20 euros a month for this, we used to pay just 5 euros, but i think since my husband has started receiving his state pension, that has gone up. There are lots of things the APA won't pay for, even though we are allocated over a 1000 euros a month, when i asked if we could actully have some of it in money, to pay for things that i can't do, i got a letter back saying no and even had a visit from the conseil gereral to explain why not.

This probably doesn't help, but as i have got the forms in front of me, i know i am right on those.

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Bonjour Kelly.

Thanks for your input. I have encountered a few difficulties regarding home help. Mainly because my partner has accumulated serious medical problems that have made him very nervous. He does not want to have any visitors which make it difficult for anyone tocome here (with or without me) I have to deal with this on my own as all attempts to get appropriate care have come to nothing. It is not easy to explain to anyone who does not experience these problems. As far as financial help is concerned we are just above the level of assistance for anything more than home help.

We currently do not have any supplementary medical cover. Only state medical. But the medical costs are regular and frequent (including Hospitals)so now we have to do this in the hope that it will be slightly less expensive than day- by- day charges.

Many thanks to all who have responded.

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Hi again, I'm sorry for your situation, i don't know whether it would help, but the mutuelle i have is for handicapped and aged people, they seem pretty reasonable, i was given their name and number when my husband had his stroke. also, did you know that if you are just over the amount for free health care they do give you money towards a mutuelle.

i think i know how you feel a little bit, sometimes i feel as if i'm banging my head against a brick wall,never mind that even 4 years down the line, i'm still learning about the system.

I hope things get better for you.

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Thanks Kelly.

I would like the contact details for the mutuelle. And thanks for your concern.

When you say ""they"  will contribute part of the mutuelle do you mean CPAM;? How do I get to do that?

Our Doctor says my partner is not in the 100% category of illnesses even though he is physically unable to stand without major support. He has an equilibriam problem that makes him dizzy. This is of course in addition to all the other medical problems.(post-op) and on-going disability.

The tax returns show zero to pay presumable because we are below the payment level and yet.I was told by an independant adviser that we would not be eligable for any financial help at all.

. I cannot get my head around all this.

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Hi KathyC.

The issue of mutuelles has me bewildered. I thought that elderly and /or disabled were allowed reduced charges. We are 76 & 63 years old. My partner requires medical attention frequently. He has been taken to emergency enough times without being admitted for lack of beds.

This last time following 9 hours of wrangling with the medical staff together with a Doctors letter demanding he be hospitalized at 11 pm they admitted him.His 8 day stay consisted of X-Rays, blood tests and bed rest. I do not believe there was any other tests carried out. For that we were asked for 1400 euros.

In total disbelif  I challenged the charge.They said the full cost was in excess of 5000 euros. That was our forfait. I think they plucked that one out of thin air.They said if we were to have 100per cent we would have to ask our Doctor. In the meantime they asked for the minimum payment  subject to Doctors confirmation. Our Doctor replied with "You do not have one of the 30 illnesses listed to qualify"

I have since collected forms from CPAM requesting aide. WATCH THIS SPACE!!!!!!

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[quote user="miznoma7"]

Hi KathyC.

The issue of mutuelles has me bewildered. I thought that elderly and /or disabled were allowed reduced charges. We are 76 & 63 years old. My partner requires medical attention frequently. He has been taken to emergency enough times without being admitted for lack of beds.

This last time following 9 hours of wrangling with the medical staff together with a Doctors letter demanding he be hospitalized at 11 pm they admitted him.His 8 day stay consisted of X-Rays, blood tests and bed rest. I do not believe there was any other tests carried out. For that we were asked for 1400 euros.

In total disbelif  I challenged the charge.They said the full cost was in excess of 5000 euros. That was our forfait. I think they plucked that one out of thin air.They said if we were to have 100per cent we would have to ask our Doctor. In the meantime they asked for the minimum payment  subject to Doctors confirmation. Our Doctor replied with "You do not have one of the 30 illnesses listed to qualify"

I have since collected forms from CPAM requesting aide. WATCH THIS SPACE!!!!!!


There are no reductions for elderly/disabled people and, although mutuelles can't charge extra for pre existing conditions, rates do go up the older you are.

The amount you were charged seems perfectly normal in my experience. My husband was recently in hospital for 5 days with only 1 x ray and a blood test and the total charge would have been 6,000 euros.If you don't have top up insurance you will have to pay the 30% not covered by CPAM..

My husband is covered for 100% because he suffers from an ALD (COPD) but we still have top up insurance to cover him for anything else that he might need treatment for.

I would be seriously worried about not having top up insurance and I am a bit younger than you are;did you deliberately plan not to take out this cover?

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Miznoma, you have been seriously mis-informed (by friends?) and it sounds as tho the advice you've received is from people who are not in this situation and this has been covered on here so many times, searching the archives and stickies would have helped you enormously.

I am 100% because of a serious blood condition with several associated conditions caused by the blood condition.  My 100% is on the list of 30 MLD.  No 31on the list is for any long term condition that your GP can persuade CPAM should be covered but some are not and are never covered.

What Cathy says is absolutely correct.  I have a mutuelle for my other health needs - dental, those not covered by my 100% or the state 70% cover and every year the premium increases 'naturally' and then there are age triggers.  I was not asked about my health prior to taking out the mutuelle.   I researched this extensively before taking out the mutuelle and NONE that I found give any reduction for being retired or for having MLD, tho it is possible to have reduced cover if the 100% still covers all your other health needs, you just don't get as much reimbursed.  But then you pick up the bill, as you were asked to do at the hospital for the shortfall and no, the number isn't picked out the air, it's the price that they charge and pass on to you.

You have chosen not to have a mutuelle, for whatever reason, and because of that you get the bill, that's the system here and that's the result of your decision.  And because you haven't persuaded your GP to have you're husband designated as 100%, you're stuck really.

I suppose tho that he's on an E121 and you're his dependant?

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