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carte d'invalidite 80%

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my partner is 76.  After much binding in the marsh with the ADMR We recieved a carte d'invalidite 80% and a parking permit . However we do not recieve any financial support. I contacted CPAM and was advised that this card only applies to parking. We get no concessions for medical care only the basic E121. We do not have a Mutuelle. Are we missing something here?
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There is a means-tested benefit called Allocation pour Adulte Handicapé (AAH). Details HERE and translation HERE.

There is also an allocation called Prestation de compensation du handicap (PCH) to help with fitting the home or with home help. Details HERE and translation HERE.

I suggest you contact your assistante sociale (social worker) at the mairie to make all the necessary enquiries to see if you qualify for either.

As far as medical care is concerned, only those conditions listed HERE (translation HERE) as ALD 30 (affection de longue durée) qualify for free care, as long as the GP and CPAM doctor agree the condition meets the ALD criteria.

As far as I am aware, there is no other financial relief available, but someone with more knowledge might have a better suggestion.

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Welcome to the forum miznoma7.

The department that issued Mrs Benjamin's carte d'invalidité was the MDPH ( Maison Départmentale des Personnes Handicapées ).

Can you firstly confirm which department you dealt with?

If your O H can satisfy the French authorities that he is an invalid then he qualifies for most of his medical costs (but not all).

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The department we dealt with is MDPH ( Maison Départmentale des Personnes Handicapées ).

We waited about a year without hearing anything. The person we had to fill in our tax return made a call on our behalf..We then recieved the card. Our liability (on income) is zero.

As far as adapting the house. It is on one level and there is nothing that would benefit from adaptation---that I know of. 

I read in an earlier post that carers that live- in (related or otherwise) do not qualify for benefits. So nothing there. We have incured mega costs for hospitalisation,cliniques,doctors,medications and transport. This is ongoing since march 2008. Should the card offer any CPAM concession without special conditions?

Or does it all revolve around the means test qualification. If so what is the threshold?

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[quote user="Benjamin"]Welcome to the forum miznoma7.

If your O H can satisfy the French authorities that he is an invalid then he qualifies for most of his medical costs (but not all).


This is the key to it (assuming of course that your O H doesn't have an ALD). Speak to your assistante sociale.

If they are unsure about your O H's ability to be classified as handicapped because he isn't French then refer them to an organisation called CLEISS (Centre des Liasions Eurpéennes et Internationales de Sécurité Sociale).

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I have just emailed CLEISS (Centre des Liasions Eurpéennes et Internationales de Sécurité Sociale).myself. Perhaps they can offer some more info before I go to the local social security.


Thanks to all for you welcome and support. If anything monumental turns up to help others.   I will post.

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There is a "multiple use" form to fill in:


which  includes application for the aid mentioned by Clair (p.6).  Fill it in and send it to the organisation Benjamin mentions (MDPH) - certainly not CLEISS - in your locale, with a medical certificate


and take it from there.

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Comment on the Assurance Maladie website regarding elegibility for AAH:

Les avantages invalidité sont prioritaires sur l'Allocation aux personnes handicapées (A.A.H.).

Si le montant de la prestation invalidité accordée par votre caisse d'Assurance Maladie demeure inférieur à celui de l'A.A.H., une A.A.H. différentielle vous sera accordée par la CAF. Si le montant de votre prestation invalidité est supérieur au montant de l'A.A.H., vous n'aurez pas droit à cette dernière.

Attention, à 60 ans , vous êtes présumé « inapte au travail » et la caisse d'Assurance Maladie ne vous accorde plus de pension d'invalidité (comme la CAF ne vous accorde plus d'A.A.H.) :

  • si vous avez cotisé à l'assurance vieillesse en exerçant une activité professionnelle, vous pourrez percevoir votre retraite, à laquelle pourront s'ajouter le complément de retraite et l'allocation supplémentaire;
  • si vous n'avez pas travaillé, vous pourrez percevoir l'allocation spéciale vieillesse .


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Well Now! My French did not pass muster on this one. I could not quite get to fully understand it..So I did a babblefish translation. This is what it came back with.

The advantages disability have priority on l' Allowance with the handicapped people (A.A.H.). If the amount of the service disability granted by your case d' Health insurance remains lower than that of l' A.A.H., a differential A.A.H. will be granted to you by the CIF. If the amount of your service disability is higher than the amount of l' A.A.H., you n' will not be entitled to the latter. Attention, at 60 years, you are supposed “inapt for work” and the case d' Health insurance does not grant any more a pension to you d' disability (as the CIF does not grant any more d' to you; A.A.H.): if you cotisé with l' old-age insurance by carrying on an community activity, you will be able to perceive your retirement, to which will be able s' to add the complement of retirement and l' additional allowance; if you n' did not work, you will be able to perceive l' special allowance old age.
I can see the differential aspect. However on the over 60 bit. Am I correct in saying that neither the AAH or CIF is granted.?   Re special allowance old age element.(non-working) Is this payable regardless of the aforementioned?. All in all. Do I apply using form http://www.cnsa.fr/IMG/pdf/ModeleA_8pages_v06.pdf  as provided by cooperlola. Or is this now not applicable?   
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  • si vous avez cotisé à l'assurance vieillesse en exerçant une

    activité professionnelle, vous pourrez percevoir votre retraite, à

    laquelle pourront s'ajouter le complément de retraite et l'allocation

if you have worked in France and paid into the the Old age pension scheme, you will be able to claim yout pension, with a possible supplement.

  • si vous n'avez pas travaillé, vous pourrez percevoir l'allocation spéciale vieillesse .
If you haven't worked you might be able to claim a special supple ment

But this is subject to strict means testing

es ressources, allocation spéciale comprise, ne doivent pas dépasser un certain plafond, soit


par an pour une personne seule et

13 765,73

par an pour un ménage.

You would need to provide your last tax 'avis d'imposition' to justify this

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How long have you lived here?  If fewer than five years, you may not get anything as you must not be a burden on France's social security system.  However, to my mind you fill in the forms and give it a go, whatever, then see what gives.  For instance, I've just applied for my parking permit but can't get anything else as the guy who caused my accident's insurance is coughing up for home help etc.  But I think if you have the slightest chance it's silly not to try.

Talk to your doctor when you get him to fill in the medical certificate, he should have a feel for what you might get, and also to the social security dept (who normally will have a clinic at your mairie every month or so, as mentioned above.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Applying for and receiving benefits in France may do you some good in the short term.  But be aware that as soon as you are given benefits by the French government, apart from your UK State Pension, France becomes your competant state and once that happens, the Uk authorities can wash their hands of you, apart from the State Pension.   If you are a liability on the French State, expect the French to take a view on this also.

That is why people involved in the DLA campaign are being advised not to take benefits from their new home State because they immediately loose their right to claim DLA if succesful at Tribunal.

Without a mutuelle, you would be a prime target for both the French and UK authorities, the former because you would be a drain on French resources, the latter because HMG would no longer be your competant state.

This is the likely scenario.  You apply for and receive benefit in France.  As with the E121 France passes the cost on to the UK because it's a health benefit and not covered by your E121.  The UK refuse to pay because in receiving the benefit you make France your competant state.  France realises they will not receive the money back from the UK, therefore you are a drain on the French purse and they will decline to make any further payments. If any of the gloom and doom rumours about the likely withdrawl of E121 cover for people who move and then switch to another compenant state become fact, a new UK government could, apart from Pension, wash their hands of you so you loose your E121 cover also as France is now responsible for you - or maybe not.

You could, under the ECJ judgement of October 2007, apply for Attendance and Carer's Allowances from the UK which may help you somewhat and remove and problems over the competant state argument.

Just flagging this up, not making any points.

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Hi Tony F
Thanks for your input. I was certainly taken back to hear that the UK can drop any responsibility if France provides  benefits. Does this include benefits like reduced medical transport and nursing at home and home help costs? I would like to just clarify something. We have lived in Europe for 8 Years. We never claimed any disability from the UK because there was no need. This unfortunate situation arose 2 Years ago just after buying our house in France. We were now committed to living here.I cannot see how the UK can provide any allowance above our retirement pensions now if we were not in reciept at the time of leaving the UK. I am not enamoured at the thought of claiming any benefits but in view of our plunging pensions and inability to keep up with the escalating medical costs. I do not see how we can manage. Going back to UK is now not an option. You caught me just at the time I was about to fill in the forms I got for the dossier. Is there a web site that can help with confirmation of the UK position in this situation? I do not want to step out of the frying pan etc.
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The competant state argument is being raised by the UK government in Tribunals where people have fought for - and won - their right to benefits after leaving the UK and the judgements handed down for the claimant have discussed the compenant state arguments in detail.  Broadly, the UK remains the competant state for people who claim benefits in the UK, the host state becoms the competant state for people who claim benefit in the state.  There was a long and detailed legal argument about this in one of the cases involving a guy who moved to Germany and claimed some home help/support costs and that almost cost him his case at the Tribunal although the Judge found for him eventually in a sympathetic judgement.  But, the competant state argument is being used by HMG and we know of claimants who have been refused DLA/CA/AA because they have claimed benefit in Europe and they have not - yet - won at Tribunal because the competant state case is compelling.

Is you husband getting 100% for MLD?  If he is, that shouldn't be a problem because that is covered by his E121 for transport (it's actually free) and the Uk government pays for that under the current EU/E121 Regs.

It's when you get into the realms of monies being paid then being charged back to the Uk - which I seem to recall for home help and nursing home costs is a local thing and not rechargable, the question is do you use your CV for this and does the French State pay for it and then recharge it or does it come out of local monies - and you claiming benefit here, actually take money from the French, that you run into the problems.

The competant state arguments can be discussed with the Newcastle DWP Office but as the law is constantly evolving and Tribunals are coming thick and fast - pending the Test Cases in early March -  the situation is as I've described it above.

Also want to make a point here for others and it's not a criticism of your situation at all, just an observation.  We know of several people locally who have dropped their mutuelle because of their financial issues - one so that he has enough money to continue to play golf, which is his decision of course despite his wife having a fairly serious heart condition - but not having a mutuelle is like not paying your mortgage especially at our age, generalisation I know.  But one long-time poster/activist on here is going through very long and expensive health treatment and without a mutuelle her costs would be astronomical.  Under the current regs, people under retirement age who fall short of E cover before they reach retirement age must have a mutuelle, with all the caveats on pre-existing conditions that brings.

I just have a feeling that eventually the French State will realise that EU people OVER retirement age without a mutuelle and without the finances to cover their health care are a drain on the French State and will start to legislate for non-French citizens to have a mutuelle also.

In view of your latest posting and the time you've been out of the Uk and the fact you have not claimed benefit previously, I would actually claim the French benefit because you may have to wait 2/3 years for a result from HMG, especially if you have to go to a Tribunal.  Under your circumstances, HMG cannot use the competanmt state argument against you, only if you try to claim a UK benefit.

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  • 2 weeks later...
When I got my carte d'invilidité I was told it was for use on trains  to get seats etc and in queues in the supermarket - to get faster service as the supermarkets in France do not have cash desks of the same proportions as UK but caisse prioritaire handicapée. The GIG GIC is for the parking. You must have the carte d'invilidité with you to get faster service etc. As I use a wheelchair I can only use the prioritized cash desks and trains I haven't tried yet.

The MDPH arranged my electric wheelchair which cost me nothing. I have a visit from APA next week to assess me for help in the house, aids so I can prepare meals and cutlery and adaptations. I went to the centre sociale and a lady there filled in my application forms, she asked for everything and anything she could think of.

We came over on an E121 and both my husband and I are covered 100% with CPAM. We have assurance (mutuelle) and when I was hospitalized then in rehabilitation for a month we paid about 50€ all told and that was for the television and phone. I have blood tests every six weeks, a prescription from my GP and one from a consultant every two months and rarely do I pay for anything. The medications come with coloured stickers and I believe it is the blue stickers you pay for (sorry if I have that wrong.) All the money I pay to GP and consultant is refunded. When I changed mutuelle recently I told the laboratoire but as I am covered 100% they weren't interested! Mutuelle is vital as it helps with hospitalization, dentist and spectacles.

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Maison départementale des personnes handicapées (MDPH) du Lot

304, rue Victor Hugo

46010 Cahors Cedex 9

Du lundi au jeudi, de 9h00 à 12h00 et de 14h00 à 17h00

Le vendredi, fermeture à 16h00

Tél : 05 65 20 49 00

Ou : 0 800 046 246

Fax : 05 65 20 49 18


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