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taking teenagers to live in France


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I know a lot of parents who want to come and live in France must read this section.  I thought I would post this to give a bit of encouragement to anyone wanting to make the jump to live in France with teenagers.  My daughters first year at school is over, they are 14 and 17.  The 1st 2 terms were hard leaning the French especially over the winter months, but now they are doing really well in all their subjects, getting average score in the the class.  The school has been great, helping all the English kids there( about 15), it has even given them different lessons from the French kids for their English, as of course they find the ordinary lessons too easy.  Their social life is a bit different to what they have been used too, but they have made lots of friends now and over the year it has got busier, with parties etc. 

Hope this has helped anyone wanting to come to this very beautiful country to live




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We moved here last year with our 2 young children (4 and 6).

Just wanted to say how great it is that your 2 children have fitted in well, and all is OK.  It must have been quite a hard decision to make. Absolutely fantastic that it has worked out well!

Our  2 love it here, and we have no regrets whatsoever.  You are right - it is a very beautiful country!


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my 13 yr-old was a difficult child in England, and of course this didn't change coming here! However, after only 5 months she is so much happier and easier to live with - and in spite of the language difficulties she came 2nd in her class at the end of the year!

She has extra french lessons with the other english pupils, I think there are 5 or 6 of them in the college although this is going to go up in September...


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Could you please tell me where you are living as I have 2 children and thinking of relocating to France, around the Tulle, Argentat area in Correze.

Does anyone have any advice for me regarding schools in this area I've searched the net and also posted on other website with no replies.

My children are a girl 13 and a boy 6 the younger will be ok but teenagers well do I need to explain!

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Could you please tell me where you are living as I have 2 children and thinking of relocating to France, around the Tulle, Argentat area in Correze.

Does anyone have any advice for me regarding schools in this area I've searched the net and also posted on other website with no replies.

My children are a girl 13 and a boy 6 the younger will be ok but teenagers well do I need to explain!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was so pleased to have read some encouraging messages!  We are hoping to move to southern Dordogne in the autumn, I have two sons aged 8 and 6, my sister and her 12 year old son is also moving with us. 

I have just read the book "More France Please, We're British" - don't know if anyone else has had this unfortunate experience? - as it is full of horror stories about how just about everything can go wrong when you move to France!  The chapter on Education gave me nightmares! as it told of the terrible unfriendly, uncreative french education system, with poor british children struggling to cope and ending up back in the UK. 

I'm sure like everything in life some adults as well as children cope better than others, and for every disaster story there are dozens of happy stories (I hope!).  However, having read this book and with the move getting closer and closer the nerves are jangling a bit, so it's nice to read some friendly and cheerful messages from families who have made the leap and come out the other side feeling better for it!

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We came here four years ago (Dept. 84) when our daughter was 7 years old.  She had the benefit of having attended a private French school in California prior to our move here.  That school was probably the poorest excuse for  a school I have ever seen and it made me really scared to think we might be seeing the same thing once we arrived in France.  Not at all - thank goodness. 

I too have heard some horrible nightmares about both schools and children (by both the school staff AND the parents), but I think it all depends on how you arrive, how you treat others and your own children.

Our experience has been exceptional.  Our daughter has ended the last two years number 1 in her classes.  She is not an easy child either.  She begins college in September and I know she is a bit nervous, but if my interview with the college (when I brought all her papers in to register her) is any example of what we can expect, we will be fine.

I'm glad to read the positive experiences too.  But, just like everything in life there are the not so positive too.


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