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British History

Rob Roy

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No idea.

In the early 60s the syllabus for our History 'O' level (what that, ed ?) ended at Sarajevo, can't remember when it started. The subject was sometimes interesting but, like most children, I doubted the relevance of much of it and once I found Henry Ford's quote that was it for me. Economics or form filling would have been more useful though I was not brave enough to voice that opinion.



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Thibault, I am impressed. George 2 (otherwise the dullest British king ever) was reviewing his troops when his horse bolted towards the enemy, causing the British cavalry to chase after him. Charles 1 certainly was present at battles but did not lead his forces in the fighting. William 3 sucessfully directed operations at many battles like the Boyne - against deposed James 2 - but did not actually fight.

Last English king to die in battle I would have thought to be Richard 3.
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Yes - you're all correct - it was Richard III, a much maligned king.  However, we must remember that history tends to be written by the victors, so we should not be surprised at the fact that Richard was "put down" by the Tudors - it was in their long term interests.

One interesting fact, though.  After Richard's death, Henry Tudor had a Bill of Attainder passed against Richard which accused him of lots of things including "...the shedding of infants' blood...."  This was a fairly standard charge and was not specific to any particular person.  If Henry Tudor knew that Richard had had the Princes in the Tower murdered, don't you think he might have had this mentioned in the Bill of Attainder?


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