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JSA Aude

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you have to find a willing classmate who will take them to eat at theirs.  Send them with a sandwich anyway, all it means is they will not have anybody to supervise them to sit down to eat it, they'll be able to eat it in the playground.  In my two schools one is going on strike a lot, and the other isn't.  I would if I could, but I can't afford it, quite ironic really, as it is a strike for pay!

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Well, my son came home from College today and gleefully announced that he does not need to go to school on Thursday. That says it all to me.

What are they 'greving' about this time?

Tourangelle I always send my son to school with a couple of sandwiches, some juice and some fruit for the break before lunch and the break after lunch. I think going from 7.30am until 12.30pm is too damn long without a snack of some sort for growing teenagers. And going from 12.30pm until 5pm is ridiculous without some same form of sustainance...my son takes food and eats in between even though it is frowned on. Sorry but my boys were raised on regular healthy snacks and I reckon that a typical French school day is a lesson in starvation tactics. Why do they not give the kids a huge basket of fruit and some juice/milk to go at mid-morning/mid-afternoon?

I will be keeping him home on Thursday, but if I did happen to send him to school he'd be going with a picnic basket...my kid eats no matter what[:@]

And he most certainly does not need to be supervised while doing so!


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Puzzled; in Australia years back when a school strike was called the parents committee got together and organised a group of same to supervise the kids in the playground outside of lessons...why can that not be done here? Would any parents here be willing to supervise the kids at their kids school for an hour whilst they ate a sandwich in the playground? Or would that be against one of the many petty laws they have here in this country?

I suppose for the teachers to do this would impede on this countries 35 hour week-nonsense. No wonder they want the kids to either eat at the canteen or at home.

Kids should not stay home from school because the canteen's on strike...for pete's sake!!

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Hmmm. And I thought kids mattered in this country...they say the schools are open, fine, we parents can watch them eat their lunch if needed. Why not? What great publicity for this country it would be if parents were openly abused and attacked for looking after their kids at school.

But while they are at it they should also strike in order to work for longer hours and be paid accordingly. I do not understand how people raise a family in this country on 8.44 euros an hour. The French I speak to are against this 35-hour week rubbish, they want to work more often and be paid properly for it.

Its a ridiculous way to run a country!


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Isn't the right to strike written into the French constitution of whatever Republic it is now?  Am I right? 

If so, I would contrast it with the American constitution's right to free speech.  Free speech surely speaks volumes more than striking?


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That is naive. What matters is la Nation and putting people in their boxes for life because that gives stability. Hence the power of the public servant whom you should humour, nay help, by dealing with your kids in such a way as not to put on strain on them.

This is the European model. Nappy started it, others are carrying it on.[6]

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[quote user="Cathy"]

Isn't the right to strike written into the French constitution of whatever Republic it is now?  Am I right? 

If so, I would contrast it with the American constitution's right to free speech.  Free speech surely speaks volumes more than striking?



Free speech is alien to the European governing mentality. Do not be kidded otherwise. Hell, Galileo was found guilty again the other day by yet another top down manager

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Well, I say *** to what is provided and expected here. I always have. I wonder why the school staff do not see things the way you put it?

The French in general need to stop being such a bunch of sheep. They do as they are all told and that is the problem, they could really make this country something great if they put their heads together...like they did in 1790 except actually do it right this time![:)]

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The 1789 French Revolution was by the middle classes for the middle classes, run by lawyers. Millions of people were slaughtered as a result including in my Département where Genocide was attempted. It increased the amount of corruption, if anything, and certainly did nothing whatsoever for the basic liberties we used to hold dear such as freedom of speech. France remains a centralized,  top-down managed, semi-command economy which will only evolve if power is taken away from Paris to the regions, leading to a degree of Federalism. And whoopsy, that was one of the main battlegrounds of the Revolution as Paris took all for itself and subjugated the regions. Remember, teachers and others have voted recently to remain part of the Paris based command structure.

So where would you suggest they start, Jura?

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[quote user="Jura"]

The French in general need to stop being such a bunch of sheep. They do as they are all told and that is the problem, they could really make this country something great if they put their heads together...like they did in 1790 except actually do it right this time![:)]


Hang on - surely by going on strike they are being decidedly un-sheeplike in that they are not doing what they are told?

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