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Do they have school proms in France?


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Like SB, I haven’t got a clue either Johnny P, but to bring your post back to the top, I thought I’d tell you something truly fascinating that you really wanted to know. Stockport is twinned with one of our Languedoc towns, Beziers. As a languedoc resident, it's my duty to inform you of that very interesting fact.  Admit it, you wanted to know that, didn’t you? If you already know, then it's my duty to ensure you don't forget. [Www]

Seriously though, are you talking proms as in American school proms or music events?  Pray tell!

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I can hear voices, but I don't know where they're coming from.........

To the OP - if you mean a big end-of-collège bash (or ball) before going on to lycée, then mostly no.   It smacks of fun-filled, extra-curricular activity, and what good would that be in the creation of future citizens of the Republic?  [;-)] 


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Sorry, ah yes Proms.  I hope there is such a thing.  My daughter has been planning hers since she is three.  Dont tell me we are moving to France for her terminale and no Proms [:(]

For those who dont know, it is an American thing.  Simply an school leavers party where the young fillies can take the opportunity to wear a posh frock.  Not a big deal for the boys but very important for the girls.


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[quote user="Just Katie"]

Sorry, ah yes Proms.  I hope there is such a thing.  My daughter has been planning hers since she is three.  Dont tell me we are moving to France for her terminale and no Proms [:(]


Do you have Proms in Wales?[8-)]

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[quote user="JohnnyP"]Hi, a simple question and hopefully a simple answer!

Do they have school proms in France for either English Schools or French Schools or both?


Bordeaux International School has an end of year dance/party, but it's nothing like an American Prom for graduating students.

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[quote user="Tressy"][quote user="Just Katie"]

Sorry, ah yes Proms.  I hope there is such a thing.  My daughter has been planning hers since she is three.  Dont tell me we are moving to France for her terminale and no Proms [:(]


Do you have Proms in Wales?[8-)]

I remember one of my cousins from London asking me if we had lightbulbs is Wales.  Yes, of course we have proms in Wales.

What are lightbulbs?[blink]

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[quote user="Just Katie"]I often see young girls ruffling amongst the frocks in shops talking about proms. [/quote]

I could change some of the letters around in that sentance JK - but I won't[:)]  You have been ignored by three witches btw!

My nephew went to his prom in Wales complete with Paul Jones tuxedo and stretch limo to take them to the venue.  Naff! 

This is coming from someone who's dream is one day to attend the Oscars[:$]

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End of school proms have been big in the UK (the bit I came from) for about 10 years.  As Twinkle rightly said it's a bit naff with stretch limmo's and the like, the girls love it as they get to wear a very posh frock.  There is even a Prom Planner magazine  it's big business now in the UK.

I don't think they happen over here, can't imagine it somehow.



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Not proms as such, or what I understand proms are like from reading books such as Carrie, but all the colleges my lot went to had events at the end of the year, grande bouffe (of course) for parents and children alike, entertainment etc.  The lycees tended to join up for one big party where music was provided by student rock bands etc.
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They have a repas de classe often when they are in lycée when they all go out and drink and eat together.  Sometimes they ask the teachers.  In collège they might hire a room and have a party.  I don't know if you have noticed, but French people in general tend to dress up less, this extends to this sort of situation.

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[quote user="TWINKLE"]

Well I heard that LG has two heads so.......[:D] !


Only on good days, Twinks, normally it’s 4!  [6]

JK, my sorcellerie powers inform me that you are déménaging à Paris. Consider your accommodation sorted, Lassie!  I know of a fabulous bijou résidence bien sécurisée that will be available shortly when the current occupiers are chucked into the Seine by the populace and forced to set up their love nest on a péniche. The property comes with a Chef and all the cleaners you’ll ever need. Quick, get your dossier (avec RIB) off to the neat little Palais in the 8th ardt before it’s snapped up.  Not merely a witch of multiple heads, I’m also a source of useful info and nowt as irrelevant as Coop's knowledge bank. I mean, what’s she done for people lately, eh?[Www]


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