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Lycée Magendie, Bordeaux


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Hello everyone

Has anyone sent their offspring to this school?  I have gathered quite a bit of information about the OIB (option international baccalaureat) section, but I still have questions that haven't been answered (the secretary I spoke to wasn't very forthcoming) e.g. is there much competition for places? My son would have to board and I see there are only 25 places for boys (75 for girls....).

Any information would be very very gratefully received.



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There's lots of competition for any places going.  How it works is that thered is a bilingual college in Bordeaux called Cheverus and Majendi is the lycee de secteur for Cheverus so the pupils there have priority for places.  Thre is no saying how many places there are each year for pupils from other schools but the year my daughter tried there were 100 children going for 30 places.  They set a written exam to weed out all who aren't fluent in English then select on dossier.  If your son is reasonably intellegent and doesn't have bulletins from the school saying he does no work he should have a very good chance of getting in - I only know of one native English speaker who didn't get a place and thaat was because of her dossier.

I know nothing about the internat for boys, the girls one has been recently refurbished and is a lot better than it used to be.

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Brilliant, I  am  certainly going to look both groups up;  thank you both very much.  I live in the south of Les Landes where there are very few English people.  My husband is French and both of my children are french born and bred, so although I have spoken to them in english since the day they were born, their first language is definitely french (even in England, they speak to each other in french........)  I would love them to go to Magendie......we shall see!

THANK YOU again for replying to my post.


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Joanna, I looked up the list of schools with an international section and the only one in Pau is the International School of Béarn, which isn't really what we're looking for.  However,  I am going to investigate further - thanks for the lead.


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