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Is there an English/International school near Montpellier or Nimes ??


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Since my last question about International schools, we have now visited www.ecole-privee-bilingue.fr at Baillargues, and also IBS of Provence at Aix-en-Provence.  We liked both schools very much, but the big difference is that the former does the French exam system and is therefore really an international school for the French (ie teaches them English!).

Also, big development since then - we have now (yesterday) found and bought our dream home in France - a 16th century mill on the river near Sommieres which is half way between Montpellier and Nimes!

Therefore, we are now trying to find an international school for our 12 year old boy (ie one that allows taking of exams in English) within daily reach of Sommieres.

So - any more ideas anyone, or any suggestions of websites on which I can thoroughly check this out?

(Also I'd love to hear from anyone who lives near Sommieres or Montpelier / Nimes !)


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Dear Stephen,

we live near Nîmes. I recently made some research on schools (we were

looking for German sections for our 10 and 9 years olds, but I checked

for everything...)

There is nothing in the Gard Département.

There seem to be some bi-lingual schools for English in Montpellier. But I didn't research further into that.

And even if they were an option for you, I doubt that you could shuttle your son every day to Montpellier :-(

Depending on where the school is, it can take you easily one hour one way from Sommieres.

How good is his French?

12 years old is very old to be put into the French system!

Luckily, our children are in the French system since the beginning, so that is not a problem for us.

Schools here in the South are a permanent source of discussions between

parents. And that can give you quite a headache. Quality and engagement

of teachers vary a lot. We know a lot of french parents which consider

moving - just to change schools. And there children don't have a

language problem.

I would first check with the local collège in Sommieres whcih would be responsable for him.

Talk to the proviseur to get a first impression.

If you have the impression that they are welcoming and try to help, give it a try.

When will you move?


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Did you see


There are 4 schools listed. But only the one you listed for older children.

But all these schools are for bilingual children.

There is no school with an "English only" section.

If your son were 9 or 10, he could try to catch up with French as Foreign language lessons.

But I doubt that they will take him with 13 !

We are currently trying to get our children (French perfect, German almost perfect) into a bilingual school.

And they clearly said that ten is almost the limit. Even if the child

speaks both languages, it still has not the same knowledge/experience

in writing/grammar if it was in a mono-lingual school for years....

We will probably move out from Languedoc-Rousillon because there are

just no real international/biliangual and (!) good schools here.

Nice, Grenoble, Lyon, Toulouse, Strassbourg, Paris, that's it, more or less...


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi there

I am in the Vaucluse, near Orange.  My son has been in the French system since September with no French and absolutely no support.

I too would love to find a school nearby but apart from the place you found in Aix, I know of no others for this stage.  The only option is boarding but I am sure that you must feel the same - that you want your child to enjoy his new home and the last thing you wish to do is to send him off.anywhere. 


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  • 2 years later...
[quote user="PeterR"]PPS.

>>>a 16th century mill on the river near Sommieres

Ehhm, you know that the Vidourle has regularly and very heafty floodings ?

Every 2-3 years, there are 3 meters of water in the old city center of Sommieres.



You took the words out of my mouth!

No way would I buy a house near that river.

At the same time the region is a desert for International Schools.

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  • 5 months later...
My question is not directly related to yours but I am doing the CELSA course in March then plan to live in Montpellier to teach English (TEFL). As a big University town will it be difficult to engage students. I would anticipate Uni level planning to go abroad US or UK? My French is ok but certainly not fluent as I lack the conversational contact. What advice ex-CELSA students?
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