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French universities


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Hello everyone!

I'm a student from Latvia, hoping to get some help here. I have a year left till my graduation of secondary school, and I'm looking for some French university. I want to be an interpreter, so maybe you could advise some university for interpreting studies? I've been learning French for 2 years now, and I'll be learning it this year also. The problem is, I don't have many universities in my country that offer interpreting studies, but is it worth going to France? How do you think?

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You presumably want to interpret from French to Latvian.

I think that Belgium, particularly Brussels would be ideal as it has the European Parliament

  • Haute Ecole de Bruxelles : Institut Supérieur

    de Traducteurs et Interprètes – ISTI

    Rue Joseph Hazard, 34 – 1180 Uccle

    02/340 12 80


  • Haute Ecole Léonard de Vinci : Institut Libre

    Marie Haps – ILMH

    Rue d'Arlon, 11 – 1050 Ixelles

    02/793 40 00


  • Haute Ecole Francisco Ferrer de la Ville de

    Bruxelles : Catégorie de Traduction et d'Interprétation (Cooremans) –

    Site Anneessens

    Place Anneessens, 11 – 1000 Bruxelles

    02/551 02 10


  • Haute Ecole de la Ville de Liège : Catégorie

    Traduction – Interprétation – ECSSAC

    Rue Hazinelle, 6 – 4000 Liège

    04/223 53 60


    ouverture en septembre 2008 de la première année du bachelier en

    traduction interprétation en collaboration avec l'Université de Liège

    (Ulg) www.facphl.ulg.ac.be/display.jsp?id=c_12322


  • Université de Mons – Faculté de Traduction et

    Interprétation  : Ecole d'Interprètes Internationaux – EII

    Avenue du Champs de Mars, 17 – 7000 Mons

    065/37 36 01




- Interprétation de conférences

  • Haute Ecole Léonard de Vinci : Institut Libre

    Marie Haps – ILMH

    Rue d'Arlon, 11 – 1000 Bruxelles

    02/793 40 00



- Master complémentaire en sciences du langage

(avec options : sciences de la parole ; traductologie ; langages et

civilisations scandinaves ; traduction audiovisuelle ; sous-titrage et

doublage ; négociation multilingue ; traduction ; interprétation de

conférence ; didactique des langues ; langage et cognition)


- Interprète en langue des signes

  • Institut Saint-Laurent Enseignement de

    Promotion Sociale

    Rue Saint-Laurent, 33 – 4000 Liège

    04/223 11 31

  • Institut Fernand Cocq

    Rue du Président, 54 – 1050 Bruxelles

    02/515 78 11



For study in the Uk there is the Institute of Linguists


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Thanks, I'll check them out! [:)]

What else I want to know-is the application process very complicated, as I'm a foreign student? Do I have to pass the DELF/DALF exam? Is it difficult to pass the exam?

How about tuition fees? If it's a state university, do I have to pay? I've heard about universities with no tuition fees...

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If you want to be an interpreter you will need a Master's degree in applied linguistics in your chosen language.

Can you do this in Riga?

There is a language school ate the University

Belgian establishments have tended to take a lot of foreign students who speak French

 Many French Physiotherapists have Belgian qualifications, for example


You should contact the institutions directly to have details of their requirements and application processes.

Erasmus , now the Lifelong Learning Programme 2007–2013

may be useful to you

Could you contact Ina Druviete

who as well as politcal interests has a Philology degree?

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