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Hi,found this site today!

Can anybody give advice on the Telepeage system?

During my summer holidays last year,i made enquires regarding a Liber-t subscription.I called into the ASF? office in Lancon,and i was told i would need a French bank account.

I did think about opening an account with Britline,but i found that you can do an online subscription with a credit card via Sanef.Not being a French speaker,i entered my details online on the Saturday 8th Jan,and the transponder came in the post on Thursday!! i was amazed how easy it was to get one.

I can log into my account online etc,but i have several questions,

Do i have to activate the account?

Can i lend the badge to my brother in law when he goes on holiday? he goes before me,so he could test it for me!

Is there a barrier at the start and finish of all the payable sections?

What do you do if the barrier does not rise/recognise the badge?

Is it critical where the badge is stuck to the windscreen?

Can i stick it to the passenger side of my right hand drive car?

Anything else i need to know?

Thanks in advance for any questions that are answered

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Hi, right here goes:

No you dont have to activate your account.

Yes you can lend your badge to your brother but you will pay the bill.

Yes there is a barrier at the start and finish, just the same as if you were taking a ticket at one end and paying at the other.

I dont know what you do if the barrier doesnt lift as it has never happened to us yet, just keep your fingers crossed as you approach.

We have ours stuck on the windscreen just behind the rear view mirror.

Our car is right hand drive but I think its best in the middle of the windscreen like they tell you.

Need know nothing else..... just enjoy, as its lovely when there are long lines of traffic and you just sail through the  "Orange t" which is always of the left of the peage.



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Be wary!

I obtained a Telepéage badge from SANEF using my UK Visa card and unless they have changed their modus-operandi your contract expires on the same date as your Visa card  and does not automatically renew.

My card expired in August 2003 and in September I took the orange lane at Reims and the barrier would not open. As luck would have it many French drivers seeing a Brit. car at the telepéage barrier stay back quite expecting the Brit. to reverse out. The badge had allowed me to pass through the orange lane at Calais.

As I didn't have a ticket, I went into the Telepéage bureau at the toll and all was explained to me, so as I had a Britline account I changed to payment by direct debit and haven't had any problems since.

I use the Autoroute from Calais to Perpignan return 5 times a year and a lot of time is saved at the tolls especially at Lyon during lunchtimes when they close more than half the booths for staggered lunches.

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SANEF normally require a fax copy of your credit card, if in doubt stop at the SANEF bureau at the first toll from Calais, unless there is one at port of entry, they will fax it for you.

The only time that I remove my badge is to swap it between two cars.

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If your badge doesn't work at the reserved barrier you should drive over to the barrier with a manned booth and hand over the badge (it comes out of its windscreen mounting) to the attendant. They scan the code on it I think and let you go through. The charge appears as normal on your statement.

Unfortunately this happens more than just occasionally and always when there is an enormous queue at the only manned barrier, or when you are in a hurry, or in the early hours of a freezing winter morning when you don't want to have to open the window.


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Thanks both.

I emailed Sanef with my updated credit card details,and they replied confirming they had received them.

As for the barrier,it's Sod's law isn't it!

The thing is,how do you get from the outside lane,into one of the manned barriers without causing an accident,although i have been reading that the French give a bit of room to a GB car when at the Liber-t lane.
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SANEF did write to me to say that as my card was about to expire they needed details of the new one - they also asked that I send a photocopy/fax of the image of the card. I wasn't happy distributing details of my card no, expiry date and security code on the back, so just faxed through to say that it was the same card without mentioning the number and informing them of the new expiry date. There was no response but the next bill showed the revised expiry date and I've used the badge without problem since.

I find that while French drivers hang back as I drive into the booth that some UK drivers do tailgate me into the booth and realise at the last moment that they are in the wrong lane.






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Are there monthly/annual standing charges with the system?

I suppose what I'm really asking is, is it suitable for those of us who travel a lot for a couple of months and then perhaps not at all (through a peage) for the next 3 or 4 months, then 10 journeys in a month, then nothing for the rest of the year.


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From what i understand,bear in mind i haven't used it myself yet!

I had the option when subscribing online,

Pay 20 euro per year.

Pay 2 euro per month.

I picked the yearly payment,thinking it would be cheaper,but i think it was the wrong choice for me,as i believe you only pay the monthly fee when you actually use it,and as i only go 2-3 times a year. But,i will be lending it to my brother in law/his father/my friends,so it's not so bad,and i could possibly change the fee next year?
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