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Changing UK Driving License

Ron Avery

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Went to our local Marie and asked about changing Permis de Conduire.  Was told that in rural France Maries don't do this, we have to go to Sous-Préfecture in town, so armed with UK card, and paper license, the usual residency proof stuff, off we went.

Coversation at the S-P Caisse  "Why do you want to change it?  Its valid in France, have the police told you to?"

"No I thought that you have to after a year of residence in France and it does not have my correct address on it".

After consultation with colleague, form appears,  "fill that in please,  I need three photos, a stamped envelope, proof of identity and residence,  C de J, passport, facture. etc and it will be €46" !!!

"But if you wait a week until 1 Mars,  it will be free, that is why I asked you if the Police had told you to change it"!!!!


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