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re the post I know where your car is?????

lizzy h

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What do you mean by dont open it!I think I may already have does that mean click on to it, i didnt understand it so I copyed and asted it onto a translation site and then still couldnt understand does that mean I already have? and if so what is a trojen horse and should I be worried and do a scan or somthing
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The post was removed as soon as I saw it. Two posters said that the clicking on the link dropped Trojans on your computer which are like spyware I think ( I'm pretty low tech so sorry about the language)which had already happened when the link was posted on TF.

If you did click on the link please do a complete scan - just in case !
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Thanks I did run a Norton Scan and if anything attempted to download, it was stopped as my computer checked okay.  I did see where several things were stopped.

Still don't understand why people do these things.  Can they not be tracked by their registration data?


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[quote]Thanks I did run a Norton Scan and if anything attempted to download, it was stopped as my computer checked okay. I did see where several things were stopped. Still don't understand why people do th...[/quote]

Lori and any others who opened that link

Do a Skybot or Ewira scan as well as a Norton, unless you have all your Norton setting at maximum security which would mean that your PC just would not work at all, Norton is not that good at picking up imbedded messages in downloads, you may have a shock when you see what Norton has missed.  many of the spywares are harmless but best gotten rid of.  Go to http://www.ewido.net/en/

When it downloads. run it and select scanner, the first 14 days are free and it really does pick up things that should not be on your PC,  and repairs them

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[quote]Lori and any others who opened that link Do a Skybot or Ewira scan as well as a Norton, unless you have all your Norton setting at maximum security which would mean that your PC just would not work a...[/quote]

Looked at the link and it sounds good if you have windows 2000 or later. Is there a similar programme for windows 98?
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