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Can anyone shed light on what this line is asking for in a email from citroen please?

une photocopie du certificat de conformité étranger (ou fiche technique)

and is a quitus fiscal just something (like an EDF bill) with the name and address on?



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The  "quitus fiscal" is just a form you get from the Hotel Des Impots to say you don't owe any import tax, vat etc it's just a formality for most vehicles and it's free,  look through the previous posts for the documentation you need.

The " une photocopie du certificat de conformité étranger"  I am not sure what you mean, you do need to obtain a certificate of european conformity to re-register a foreign vehicle in France, or go to the DRIRE  to get the document you need.

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une photocopie du certificat de conformité étranger (ou fiche technique) = photocopy of the foreign certificate of conformity ( or technical specification)

(I don't know why Citroen should be asking for this.  What was the e-mail about?)

A Quittance fiscale is the VAT certificate you need to obtain from your local hotel des impots to prove there's no VAT payable on your car.  It's one of your most important documents because it also acts as a quasi registration document authorising you to drive your car in France on its UK plates for a month until you complete the re-registration process.

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OK, because I'd rather spend half an hour on the computer sending an email and subsequently an envelope full of  photocopies in the post than a whole day hacking about Gueret parking/finding/waiting/queueing/arguing at the DRIRE I wrote to Citroen asking what documents they needed to enable them to issue me with a Attestation d'identification pour vehicles importes conformes a un type national Francais (which is what Renault sent me for another vehicle when I asked them for a Certificat de conformitie). The email I got back I reproduce in part below...

......Vous devez adresser votre demande par courrier postal en joignant à votre envoi

une photocopie du certificat d'immatriculation étranger 


photocopie du certificat de conformité étranger (ou fiche technique)


photocopie du certificat de vente ou du certificat de propriété ou de la facture


une copie du contrôle technique en cours de validation (véhicule

ayant plus de 4 ans) 

un chèque de 120 , pour frais administratifs à

l'ordre d'AUTOMOBILES CITROËN (tarif applicable au 1er mars 2005)


boîte de vitesses: 4/5/6/Auto 

nombre de places assises pour les

véhicules utilitaires 

pour les particuliers :

une photocopie de pièce

d'identité au nom du demandeur (ou copie du quitus fiscal) 

une enveloppe

(sans timbre) avec votre nom et votre adresse. ......

This is to replate a Citroen relay van which would/will be a 'Jumper' over here. The lines in bold (my emphasis) were the ones I couldn't make sense of. Particularly the second one in light of the fact that I had translated 'quitus fiscal' as a tax certificate. My perplexity was because I couldn't see that serving the same funtion as a photocopy of a piece d'identite !

Since we don't routinely have such a thing as a certificate of conformity in the UK, then I'm back to being part of an entirely circular argument; the sort which puts up an error message on Excel.

If the certificat de conformite is the very thing I was asking for originally then I'm now totally confused (a not infrequent state of mind for me here in France)


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I don't quite understand why Citroen are asking for all of that.  Basically, they need a copy of your V5C so they can identify your vehicle from the VIN number.  Their computer system will confirm that it is within a series which is type approved for France, then they'll print off a standard certificate of conformity.  And they're going to charge you 120 euros for the pleasure.

Its simpler (and cheaper) to obtain a certificate from the DRIRE.  Its a standard request which you can do by post - no parking/queuing/arguments with anyone.  Go to their national website [url=http://www.drire.gouv.fr] HERE [/url] and select your local office webpage.  Then click on vehicles and select the link to demande d'identification.  Download the application form for an attestation d'identite, fill it in, then post it off together with a cheque for 67,38 payable to Regisseur de Recettes de la DRIRE, your V5C registration document, and a stamped self addressed envelope.  You'll receive the attestation within a few days.  

The import system is exactly the same as in the UK. They do require certificates of conformity there - its just that most of use have never tried importing a foreign car there [;)] 

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We had the same situation with a Ducati motorbike that we brought over last year. Luckily we still had the receipt which proved that we had paid tax in the UK when we bought it. For the 'certificat de conformite' all we did was write to the Ducati headquarters (in Italy) with the bike's details and they send us one by return of post. They are obviously missing out on a money spinner!
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don't quite understand why Citroen are asking for all of that. 

Basically, they need a copy of your V5C so they can identify your

vehicle from the VIN number.  Their computer system will confirm that

it is within a series which is type approved for France, then they'll

print off a standard certificate of conformity.  And they're going to

charge you 120 euros for the pleasure.

End Quote

You can get a Conformity certificate from Citroen UK instead for 80 Quid which will work here

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Thanks all, esp. Sunday Driver;

I had downloaded the form from the Limousin DRIRE site but in section 4 "Carrosserie" the only choices are CI/Break/Cabriolet.  This is a medium wheel-base high-top van which doesn't fall into any of those categories, and I just know it will bounce back to me if I just write "camionnette"  in there !

80 quid from Citroen UK sounds very much like 120 Eros from Paris. I contacted Citroen UK a while back who refered me to a man in Paris who replied to me in much confusion because - whatever his job actually was - it had nothing to do with certificats de conformitie and he was getting about 10 email a week demanding them, poor soul.


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Sorry, GP

I didn't realise it was a fourgon you had - the DRIRE only do cars.  I don't know my Jumpers from my cardies.....

I got a CoC from Mercedes Benz for my old camper.  No problems like yours.  Just a copy of my V5C and 120 euros.  Seems like its a standard charge (or is it a cartel) [:(]

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[quote user="Sunday Driver"]

...Seems like its a standard charge (or is it a cartel) [:(]


Yes, what an amazing co-incidence isn't it that 2 out of 3 of the country's major marques charge the same price. Anyone know what Peugeot charge ?


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